Radiation view factor definition: symmetries and blocking

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Features tested

Radiation symmetry is verified in this test suite by comparing results obtained from models using the different symmetry options to the results obtained from the full model without symmetries. A few different configurations are used to allow the testing of all the symmetry options in two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and axisymmetric cases. Some of the configurations are also used to test radiation blocking.

Since the primary interest of this verification suite is the calculation of view factors in nontrivial geometries, all the problems consist of only a single increment in a single step of steady-state heat transfer analysis. No analytical solutions exist for the nontrivial configurations selected; therefore, verification of the results is limited to a comparison of variations of this problem, run with different types and levels of symmetry. All the results documented can be reproduced by running the input files provided with the Abaqus release.

Infinitely long square section tube

Two-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

Four different two-dimensional models of the cross-section of the square tube are used: the full model, a half model with one reflection symmetry, a quarter model with two reflection symmetries, and a quarter model with cyclic symmetry. The full, half, and quarter models are shown in Figure 1. The two-dimensional models imply that the tube extends infinitely in the direction normal to the cross-section.

Figure 1. Two-dimensional square tube models.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 3
xrv24sn000.inp 3823.0 1.0 517.7
xrv24snr10.inp 3823.0 1.0 517.7
xrv24snr20.inp 3823.0 1.0 517.7
xrv24snc04.inp 3823.0 1.0 517.7
 Element 21, Side 2
xrv24sn000.inp −4787.0 1.0 719.5
xrv24snr10.inp −4787.0 1.0 719.5
xrv24snr20.inp −4787.0 1.0 719.5
xrv24snc04.inp −4787.0 1.0 719.5

Three-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

Three different models of the square section tube are used. In all cases the complete cross-section is modeled, and the infinite extent of the tube is simulated by using periodic symmetry in the direction normal to the cross-section of the tube. The three models differ in the number of repetitions used for the periodic symmetry.

Figure 2. Three-dimensional square tube model.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 5
xrv38snp05.inp 849.4 0.6578 471.9
xrv38snp10.inp 2376.0 0.8696 495.4
xrv38snp20.inp 3722.0 0.9702 517.1
2D model 3823.0 1.0000 517.7
 Element 21, Side 4
xrv38snp05.inp −5592.0 0.7504 675.9
xrv38snp10.inp −5525.0 0.8811 698.0
xrv38snp20.inp −4648.0 0.9719 720.5
2D model −4787.0 1.0000 719.5

Input files


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=5).


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=10).


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=20).

Infinitely long square section tube with blocking

Two-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

Four different two-dimensional models of the cross-section of the square tube and the blocking object are used: the full model, a half model with one reflection symmetry, a quarter model with two reflection symmetries, and a quarter model with cyclic symmetry. The full, half, and quarter models are shown in Figure 3. The two-dimensional models imply that the tube and the blocking object extend infinitely in the direction normal to the cross-section.

Figure 3. Two-dimensional square tubes with blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 3
xrv24sb000.inp 1063.0 0.9970 701.0
xrv24sbr10.inp 1063.0 0.9970 701.0
xrv24sbr20.inp 1063.0 0.9970 701.0
xrv24sbc04.inp 1063.0 0.9970 701.0
 Element 21, Side 2
xrv24sb000.inp 4506.0 0.9909 619.2
xrv24sbr10.inp 4506.0 0.9909 619.2
xrv24sbr20.inp 4506.0 0.9909 619.2
xrv24sbc04.inp 4506.0 0.9909 619.2
 Element 106, Side 1
xrv24sb000.inp −12745.0 1.0 812.6
xrv24sbr10.inp −12745.0 1.0 812.6
xrv24sbr20.inp −12745.0 1.0 812.6
xrv24sbc04.inp −12745.0 1.0 812.6

Three-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

Six different models of the square section tube and the blocking object are used. These models involve different combinations of the cross-sectional model and the number of periodic symmetry repetitions used to simulate the infinite extent of the tube and the blocking object. Three cross-section models are used: the full model, a quarter model with two reflection symmetries, and a quarter model with cyclic symmetry. Figure 4 shows the cross-section models used.

Figure 4. Three-dimensional square tubes with blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 5
xrv38sbp05.inp 1044.0 0.7296 506.7
xrv38sbrp5.inp 1044.0 0.7296 506.7
xrv38sbcp5.inp 1044.0 0.7296 506.7
xrv38sbcp10.inp 1129.0 0.9016 637.9
xrv38sbcp20.inp 1098.0 0.9749 701.0
xrv38sbcp50.inp 1071.0 0.9934 700.7
2D model 1063.0 0.9970 701.0
 Element 21, Side 4
xrv38sbp05.inp 1603.0 0.7893 511.4
xrv38sbrp5.inp 1603.0 0.7893 511.4
xrv38sbcp5.inp 1603.0 0.7893 511.4
xrv38sbcp10.inp 2930.0 0.9116 567.2
xrv38sbcp20.inp 4426.0 0.9710 618.3
xrv38sbcp50.inp 4484.0 0.9871 618.7
2D model 4506.0 0.9970 619.2
 Element 106, Side 3
xrv38sbp05.inp −15583.0 0.8510 776.8
xrv38sbrp5.inp −15583.0 0.8510 776.8
xrv38sbcp5.inp −15583.0 0.8510 776.8
xrv38sbcp10.inp −14241.0 0.9593 790.6
xrv38sbcp20.inp −12694.0 0.9875 813.6
xrv38sbcp50.inp −12719.0 0.9926 812.9
2D model −12745.0 1.0000 812.6

Input files


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=5).


Quarter cross-section model with two reflection symmetries, DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=5).


Quarter cross-section model with cyclic symmetry (NC=4), DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=5).


Quarter cross-section model with cyclic symmetry (NC=4), DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=10).


Quarter cross-section model with cyclic symmetry (NC=4), DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=20).


Quarter cross-section model with cyclic symmetry (NC=4), DC3D8 elements, periodic symmetry (NR=50).

Finite length square section tube

Three-dimensional models without blocking

Elements tested


Problem description

A unit-length tube with a square cross-section is analyzed. Four different models of the square section are used: the full model, a half model with one reflection symmetry, a quarter model with two reflection symmetries, and a quarter model with cyclic symmetry. Figure 5 shows the cross-section models used.

Figure 5. Three-dimensional finite square tubes with blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 5
xrv38sn000.inp −1544.0 0.0788 429.3
xrv38snr10.inp −1544.0 0.0788 429.3
xrv38snr20.inp −1544.0 0.0788 429.3
xrv38snc04.inp −1544.0 0.0788 429.3
 Element 21, Side 4
xrv38sn000.inp −6694.0 0.2796 629.1
xrv38snr10.inp −6694.0 0.2796 629.1
xrv38snr20.inp −6694.0 0.2796 629.1
xrv38snc04.inp −6694.0 0.2796 629.1

Input files


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements.


Half cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, one reflection symmetry.


Quarter cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, two reflection symmetries.


Quarter cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, cyclic symmetry (NC=4).

Three-dimensional models with blocking

Elements tested


Problem description

A unit-length square cross-section tube and a blocking object are analyzed. Three cross-section models are used: the full model, a quarter model with two reflection symmetries, and a quarter model with cyclic symmetry. Figure 6 shows the cross-section models used.

Figure 6. Three-dimensional finite square tubes with blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 5
xrv38sb000.inp −169.5 0.1000 359.6
xrv38sbr20.inp −169.5 0.1000 359.6
xrv38sbc04.inp −169.5 0.1000 359.6
 Element 21, Side 4
xrv38sb000.inp −452.7 0.2874 372.1
xrv38sbr20.inp −452.7 0.2874 372.1
xrv38sbc04.inp −452.7 0.2874 372.1
 Element 106, Side 3
xrv38sb000.inp −17304.0 0.1322 745.5
xrv38sbr20.inp −17304.0 0.1322 745.5
xrv38sbc04.inp −17304.0 0.1322 745.5

Input files


Full cross-section model, DC3D8 elements.


Quarter cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, two reflection symmetries.


Quarter cross-section model, DC3D8 elements, cyclic symmetry (NC=4).

Square section tubular ring

Axisymmetric models without blocking

Elements tested


Problem description

A tubular ring with a square cross-section is analyzed. Two different models of the square section are used: the full model and a half model with one reflection symmetry. Figure 7 shows the cross-section models used.

Figure 7. Axisymmetric models without blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 3
xrva4sn000.inp −218.7 1.003 563.3
xrva4snr10.inp −218.7 1.003 563.3
 Element 21, Side 2
xrva4sn000.inp −5599.0 1.022 690.5
xrva4snr10.inp −5599.0 1.022 690.5

Input files


Full cross-section model, DCAX4 elements.


Half cross-section model, DCAX4 elements, one reflection symmetry.

Axisymmetric models with blocking

Elements tested


Problem description

A square cross-section tubular ring with a blocking object inside it is analyzed. Two different models of the square section are used: the full model and a half model with one reflection symmetry. Figure 8 shows the cross-section models used.

Figure 8. Axisymmetric models with blocking.

Results and discussion

 Element 6, Side 3
xrva4sb000.inp 1225.0 1.004 711.3
xrva4sbr10.inp 1225.0 1.004 711.3
 Element 21, Side 2
xrva4sb000.inp 3970.0 1.015 641.0
xrva4sbr10.inp 3970.0 1.015 641.0
 Element 106, Side 1
xrva4sb000.inp −12877.0 1.003 817.5
xrva4sbr10.inp −12877.0 1.003 817.5

Input files


Full cross-section model, DCAX4 elements.


Half cross-section model, DCAX4 elements, one reflection symmetry.

Infinitely extending three-dimensional array of cubic objects

Two-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

An infinite array of cubic objects is simulated. The two-dimensional models imply that the array extends to infinity in the third direction. Three different models are used: an array of nine by eleven objects, an array of nine objects with periodic symmetry in the direction perpendicular to the array, and a single object with periodic symmetry in two directions. The number of repetitions in the models using periodic symmetry makes these models equivalent to the nine by eleven array model. The models are shown in Figure 9 where the black square represents the model with two periodic symmetries and the gray squares represent the model with one periodic symmetry.

Figure 9. Two-dimensional cubic array.

Results and discussion

 Element 55, Side 1
xrv24ab000.inp −24725.0 0.9635 884.6
xrv24abp05.inp −24723.0 0.9635 884.6
xrv24ab2p5.inp −23444.0 0.9635 887.4
 Element 55, Side 2
xrv24ab000.inp 23168.0 0.9645 594.8
xrv24abp05.inp 23175.0 0.9645 594.9
xrv24ab2p5.inp 23465.0 0.9645 603.8

Input files


Nine by eleven array, DC2D4 elements.


Nine object array with one periodic symmetry (NR=5), DC2D4 elements.


Single object array with two periodic symmetries (NR1=4, NR2=5), DC2D4 elements.

Three-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

An infinite array of cubic objects is simulated. The three-dimensional models consist of a single cubic element with periodic symmetry in three directions. Two models are used where the number of periodic symmetry repetitions is varied. The single element on which the models are based is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Single element used for three-dimensional cubic array.

Results and discussion

 Element 55, Side 3
xrv38abp05.inp −6657.0 1.011 805.8
xrv38abp10.inp −7044.0 1.086 806.1
 Element 55, Side 4
xrv38abp05.inp 6527.0 1.012 722.2
xrv38abp10.inp 7026.0 1.083 723.8

Input files


Single object array with three periodic symmetries (NR1=4, NR2=4, NR3=5), DC3D8 elements.


Single object array with three periodic symmetries (NR1=8, NR2=8, NR3=10), DC3D8 elements.

Infinitely long finned tube inside another infinitely long tube

Axisymmetric models

Elements tested


Problem description

Radiation between an infinitely long, finned tube inside another infinitely long simple tube is simulated. The axisymmetric mesh used is shown in Figure 11. The infinite extent of the tubes is modeled with periodic symmetry in the direction of the length of the tubes. Three models with a varying number of repetitions for the periodic symmetry are used.

Figure 11. Axisymmetric mesh for finned tube models.

Results and discussion

 Element 82, Side 1
xrva4tb000.inp −6118.0 0.4383 710.0
xrva4tbp05.inp −5885.0 1.022 747.0
xrva4tbp10.inp −5884.0 1.022 747.0
 Element 85, Side 3
xrva4tb000.inp −755.8 0.2182 487.8
xrva4tbp05.inp 524.6 0.9951 589.1
xrva4tbp10.inp 508.9 1.002 588.8
 Element 92, Side 4
xrva4tb000.inp 1875.0 0.3750 415.7
xrva4tbp05.inp 6404.0 1.005 459.1
xrva4tbp10.inp 6404.0 1.012 459.1

Input files


Axisymmetric model without periodic symmetry, DCAX4 elements.


Axisymmetric model with periodic symmetry (NR=5), DCAX4 elements.


Axisymmetric model with periodic symmetry (NR=10), DCAX4 elements.

Three-dimensional models

Elements tested


Problem description

Radiation between an infinitely long finned tube inside another infinitely long simple tube is simulated. The two three-dimensional meshes used are shown in Figure 12: one is a full 360° mesh, and the other is a slice of this mesh that is used in conjunction with cyclic symmetry. The number of cycles used in the cyclic symmetry is varied. The infinite extent of the tubes is modeled with periodic symmetry in the direction of the length of the tubes.

Figure 12. Three-dimensional meshes for finned tube models.

Results and discussion

 Element 82, Side 3
xrv38tb000.inp −6217.0 0.4003 692.1
axisymmetric model −6118.0 0.4383 710.0
xrv38tbp05.inp −5721.0 0.9710 735.8
xrv38tbpc12.inp −6362.0 0.9710 750.6
xrv38tbpc24.inp −6070.0 1.010 747.2
axisymmetric model −5885.0 1.022 747.0
 Element 85, Side 5
xrv38tb000.inp −722.4 0.2256 497.9
axisymmetric model −755.8 0.2182 487.8
xrv38tbp05.inp 424.3 0.9987 587.4
xrv38tbpc12.inp 439.2 0.9987 591.6
xrv38tbpc24.inp 507.6 0.9964 589.2
axisymmetric model 524.6 0.9951 589.1
 Element 92, Side 6
xrv38tb000.inp 1791.0 0.3787 414.7
axisymmetric model 1875.0 0.3750 415.7
xrv38tbp05.inp 6219.0 0.9844 455.5
xrv38tbpc12.inp 6465.0 0.9744 457.7
xrv38tbpc24.inp 6438.0 1.027 458.9
axisymmetric model 6404.0 1.012 459.1

Input files


Full 360° model without periodic symmetry in the infinite direction, DC3D8 elements.


Full 360° model with periodic symmetry in the infinite direction (NR=5), DC3D8 elements.


30° slice model with cyclic symmetry (NC=12) and periodic symmetry in the infinite direction (NR=5), DC3D8 elements.


15° slice model with cyclic symmetry (NC=24) and periodic symmetry in the infinite direction (NR=5), DC3D8 elements.