This suite of problems tests the mass property computations of rigid bodies consisting of continuum and structural elements in Abaqus/Standard analyses and continuum, structural, and rigid elements in Abaqus/Explicit analyses. Five different rigid body geometry cases are considered:
A two-dimensional planar rigid body consisting of beam, continuum, and truss elements (and rigid elements in Abaqus/Explicit analyses).
A three-dimensional rigid body consisting of beam, continuum, and truss elements (and rigid elements in Abaqus/Explicit analyses).
A three-dimensional rigid body consisting of beam, membrane, shell, and truss elements.
An axisymmetric rigid body consisting of continuum and shell elements (and rigid elements in Abaqus/Explicit analyses).
A three-dimensional rigid body consisting of all of the elements included in geometry Cases 2 and 3, as well as a point mass element located at the rigid body reference node.
The mass, center of mass, and rotary inertia of each rigid body are computed automatically by Abaqus to take into account the section properties and densities of each of the constituent elements. The reference node for each rigid body is located at the center of mass.
The computed mass properties of rigid bodies can be verified by checking the printed quantities in the data (.dat) file. Further quantitative and qualitative verification is accomplished by performing two analyses. In the first analysis each geometry case is subjected to a concentrated force of magnitude 1.0 × 106 in the x-direction acting at the rigid body reference node. In the second analysis each geometry case is subjected to a concentrated moment of magnitude 1.0 × 108 acting about the z-axis at the rigid body reference node.