Elements tested
- B21
- B21H
- B22
- B22H
- B31
- B31H
- B31OS
- B31OSH
- B32
- B32H
- B32OS
- B32OSH
- PIPE21
- PIPE22
- PIPE31
- PIPE32
- S4
- S4R
- S4R5
- S8R
- S8R5
- S9R5
ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit Elements tested
Problem description
Material:Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 30 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.3. Boundary conditions:at end A, at end B. Loading:25.0 at end A. Only and are applied for shell models. Section properties0.25, 1 × 106, 0.0104167. The bending inertias have intentionally been chosen as very large values in order to test the shear-only modes. For pipe elements a circular cross-section of outer radius 0.5 and wall thickness 0.05 is used. For this case a different analytical solution based upon Timoshenko theory is used for comparison. Analogous problems are modeled in Abaqus/Explicit using linear beam and pipe elements. Unit density is prescribed for the material, and the solution is computed for unit time. Loads are applied smoothly for a quasi-static solution, similar to that from static analysis. The results using pipe elements are consistent to that using beam elements, both of which match the static analysis. Reference solution
Results and discussionAll beam and shell elements yield exact solutions. Pipe element solutions are given in Table 1.
Input files