Elements tested
ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit Elements testedB21 B22 B31 B32 Features testedThe cross-section properties generated and stored in the jobname.bsp text files from the previous section, Meshing and analyzing a two-dimensional model of a beam cross-section, are used in beam analyses to define stiffness and inertia properties for beam elements. The arbitrarily shaped solid general beam cross section meshed with warping elements option is used to assign the precalculated stiffness and inertia properties to the beam elements. The results obtained for the meshed section beams are verified by comparing them with results obtained for beams using a linear generalized cross section that are assigned stiffness and inertia properties identical to those of the meshed beams. Dynamic analyses are performed in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Static and frequency extraction analyses are also performed in Abaqus/Standard. The use of beams with additional inertia and additional fluid inertia to modify the inertia properties defined for the meshed beams in the jobname.bsp text files is also tested. Problem descriptionModel:The model comprises a single cantilevered beam subjected to a concentrated load at its tip. The load is applied as a step load resulting in significant dynamic motion of the beam. Results and discussionThe beam responses obtained using the arbitrarily shaped solid general beam cross section meshed with warping elements option are identical to the beam responses obtained using a linear generalized cross section. For the same model, the results from a dynamic analysis in Abaqus/Standard agree well with the results from a dynamic analysis in Abaqus/Explicit. Input files