R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Plates, Gussets, End Caps ImprovementsBenefits: Creating plates, gussets, and end caps are now easier and faster.
For more information, see
Plates, Gussets, and End Caps
Cutout EnhancementsBenefits: Creating cutouts are now efficient using the multicontour sketch.
For more information, see
Creating Cutouts on Members
Custom Pierce PointsBenefits: Offsetting member profiles is now easier.
For more information, see
Creating Structure Sections
Lock and Unlock Workflow UpdatesBenefits: The behavior of Lock and Unlock commands is now aligned with all the platform applications. For more information, see
Locking and Unlocking Components
Share as 3DXML to 3DSwym ImprovementBenefits: This improvement is helpful for a general purpose and for the Makers project. For more information, see
Sharing 3D Files with 3DSwym Communities
Import ECAD FilesBenefits: The ECAD files are useful in downstream applications for thermal simulation or electromagnetic analysis or for building enclosures.
For more information, see
Importing Geometry
Updated Context Toolbar in the Sketch EnvironmentBenefits: It is now easy for users sketching in the touch environment to use the Extrude For more information, see
Tablet or Mobile Device Option
Context Toolbars
![]() ![]() ![]() Roll Back Behavior ImprovementsBenefits: The manual rollback to the previously active set is no longer required. For more information, see
Rolling Back Features in the Design Tree
Enable Chain Selection for Convert Entity and Projection CurveBenefits: Converting entities and producing project curves is now faster due to the chain selection of sketch entities. For more information, see
Converting External Geometries and Sketches
Creating Projection Curves
Restoring Unsaved Changes While Opening Models from Recent ContentBenefits: You can now choose if you want to open the restored version or revert to the permanently saved version. Converting a Picture to a SketchBenefits: Converting a sketch allows you to more quickly create geometry from a
picture by determining the edges of an object of interest and converting those
edges to graphical entities which in turn are made into a 2D
For more information, see
Converting a Picture to a Sketch
Circular component patternBenefits: You can create the Circular Component Pattern for
any part in the assembly. Specify Instance angle or
Pattern angle parameters to create the
For more information, see
Creating Circular Component Patterns
Smart Mate with Design AssistanceBenefits: The dragged component snaps into position and provides a preview of the
mated solution. The mates display in the tree. You can accept, edit, or cancel the suggested mates.
For more information, see
Creating Mates Using Smart Mate
Create construction geometry while sketchingBenefits: You can enable the Construction mode to create
construction geometry while sketching. The standard sketch enables, when the
Construction mode is turned OFF.
For more information, see
Working in Sketches
R2022x GA
Creating Custom PlatesBenefits: You can now create and use customized plates. You can place the custom plates
on single members or between multiple members to connect them.
For more information, see
Plates, Gussets, and End Caps
Creating MembersBenefits: You can create members using multiple ways.
For more information, see
Creating and Editing Members
Flexible Sub-AssemblyBenefits: You can make sub-assembly components flexible in their parent assembly. You
can use the flexible components in another parent assembly while keeping their ability
For more information, see
Making Sub-Assemblies Flexible
Specifying Mouse PreferencesBenefits: The mouse preference settings are common for all dashboard apps and are not
restricted to any widget.
For more information, see
Specifying Preferences
Shortcut RingsBenefits: You can use shortcut rings for quick access to the commonly used
For more information, see
Shortcut Rings
Opening Components without SubcomponentsBenefits: You can now distinguish the components with subcomponents
![]() ![]() Importing and Exporting GeometryBenefits: The ACIS format gives the flexibility to import a
geometry in *.sat, *.sab, *.asat, *.asab file types or export a
geometry in *.sat file type.
Accessing Sketch/Ref Geometry Accessible from Feature DialogBenefits: When in a feature dialog selection field requiring a sketch or axis for
example : you can use the options available in the three-dot menu to create or edit a
sketch, plane, or axis. You can then go back to the feature without losing any of your
previous inputs.
For more information, see
Dialog Boxes
Viewing Sketch Offset DimensionBenefits: The sketch offset dimension is now available in the dialog box hence easily
For more information, see
Sketch Offset
Measuring ObjectsBenefits: The Measure tool is enhanced to work
For more information, see