About Axis Systems

When you generate complex models or work in Assembly mode, you may want to place one model with respect to the position of another. In this case, you need to define an axis system.

See Also
Context Toolbars
Defining an Axis System

You can define an axis system relative to the model's center (0, 0, 0) or reference another location or axis system. The Axis System is located on the Mechanism section of the action bar. You can do the following:

  • Change the sequence of an axis system under the tree. You can select and drag an axis system from the tree and drop it at a new location.
  • Edit an existing axis system by double-clicking the axis system from the tree or 3D area, or by clicking Set Current from the context toolbar.

Action Selection
Select a plane
Select an axis
Select the center
When you run a command and select a component of the axis system (plane, axis, or center), the selection list color block matches the color of the selected component of the axis system.