Defining an Axis System

You can define an axis system by selecting a point, vertex, or axis system from the 3D area.

See Also
Context Toolbars
About Axis Systems

Context: To change the default origin or use a different axis system, click an axis system in the tree or 3D area and from the context toolbar select Set Current .

  1. From the Mechanism section of the action bar, click Axis System .
  2. In the Location section of the Axis System dialog box, select a point or vertex in the 3D area to define the origin of the axis system.
  3. Optional: Click Custom orientation to define the axis of the system.
    1. In X-Axis, select a line, edge, or planar reference from the 3D area to define the direction of the X axis.

      Click Flip X-axis orientation to reverse the direction of the axis.

    2. In Y-Axis, select a line, edge, or planar reference from the 3D area to define the direction of the Y axis.

      Click Flip Y-axis orientation to reverse the direction of the axis.

    3. In Z-Axis, select a line, edge, or planar reference from the 3D area to define the direction of the Z axis.

      Click Flip Z-axis orientation to reverse the direction of the axis.

      Note: The axes of the triad align to the normal of the directions you select. You must specify two directions to fully define the orientation of the axis system. The third direction is defined by the other two directions.
  4. Optional: Click Set as current to make this axis system the current system.
  5. Optional: Click Add to axis systems folder to add this axis system in the Axis Systems folder.
    Note: When not selected, the feature set uses the axis system that is active in the tree. Once created, the axis system cannot be moved into or out of the Axis Systems folder.
  6. Click .
    The new axis system displays where specified.