Placing Use Case

You can place an existing use case in a use case diagram view.

Before you begin:
  • Create a use case under the Requirement node.
  • Create and activate a use case diagram view.
See Also
Creating Use Case Diagram View
  1. Under the Requirement node, select the use case.
  2. From the Use Case Diagram section of the action bar, click Use Case Placement .

    • You can also drag the use case in the use case diagram.
    • The command is also available in the context menu of the use case.

  3. Click the use case diagram to place the use case.

    Implement relations can be created:

    • a reference-reference link between a use case and a functional or logical reference.
    • an occurrence-occurrence link between sub use case and a functional or a logical instance.
    Note: For more information about implement links, see Creating Implement Relations.