Reopening a Defect

You can reopen a closed or rejected defect if needed.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Leader

Before you begin: View the Properties page for the defect. See Defect Properties.
  1. On the toolbar, click To Open .

    Note: This action is only available if the defect is in the "Closed" or "Rejected" state.

    The Defect Action window opens. Defect Management requires that you create a defect action before the defect can be promoted.
  2. Enter these details for the defect action:

    Field NameDescription
    DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the defect action.
    Defect Action TypeSelect an option from the list.
    • Software
    • Hardware
    • Documentation
    • Test
    SubscribersClick the ellipsis button to select people and member lists to be notified whenever a change is made to this defect action. The list of subscribers for a defect action includes the subscribers to the defect, and you can additional people.
    Due DateEnter the date this defect action should be completed by.
    NotesUse this field to enter discussion notes about the defect action.

  3. Click Done.

    The To Open panel opens.

  4. Enter details about why the defect is being reopened.
  5. Click Done.