Defect Impact Analysis Report

The Defect Impact Analysis report generated from a defect or defect action shows the impact of that defect against all model versions. You can run this impact analysis for a defect action only if it has a committed model version.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: None

To access this page:

  1. View the Properties page for a defect or defect action.
  2. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Impact Analysis.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Defect Impact Analysis
Running an Impact Analysis


The first row lists the defect or defect action from which the Defect Impact Analysis report was generated.

Column NameDescription
Name The name of the item (defect, defect action, or model version revision). Click to open the item.
Revision The revision of the item.
Impact Describes why the model version revision is included in the report.

Reported AgainstThe revision against which the defect was reported.
Introduced InThe revision in which the defect was introduced.
Affected RevisionA revision that is affected because it is between the start and end points in the model version revision tree.
Committed ForThe revision for which the defect is committed. This applies only if the defect is not closed.
Disposition: <DispositionType>The type of disposition for the defect associated with that model version revision.

This column is blank for any model versions at level three or lower that are included because of a hierarchical relationship to one of the model versions listed in the above connection types.

When an item has multiple impacts (for example, the Introduced In revision is the same as the Reported Against revision, the values show as a comma-separated list.

StateThe current lifecycle state of the item.
TypeThe type of item (for example: defect, defect action, or hardware model version).
DescriptionA detailed description of the item.
TagsThe tags on the model version revision. This is blank for defects and defect actions.
OwnerThe owner of the item.


HierarchicalThe model version revisions are shown in a hierarchical tree structure.
SummaryThe entire model version revision hierarchy is shown flat, with each model version revision appearing only once. The nodes cannot be expanded.


Click to select the Defect Impact Analysis report view.

DirectWhen the report is run from a defect, shows the model version hierarchy of the revisions against which the defect was reported. When the report is run from a defect, shows the model version hierarchy of the revisions to which the defect action is committed.
FullShows all model versions in the hierarchy that may be directly or indirectly affected by the defect, spanning the model version derivations from the Introduced In or Reported Against revisions to the Committed Model Version revisions.