When you check a file into a document containing versioned files, Process Composer first creates a new subdocument with the same name as the file. Process Composer then checks the file into the new subdocument. As a result, a document containing versioned files contains a new subdocument for each checked-in file. In contrast, when you check a file into a document containing nonversioned files, Process Composer stores the file directly inside the document. Documents containing nonversioned files and documents containing versioned files behave differently when you lock or unlock a file inside the document. See About Locking and Unlocking for more information.
When you update a document and change its version or check a file
into a nonversioned document,
Process Composer
displays the document as out of date in an impact graph. In contrast, if you
revise a document,
Process Composer
does not display the document as out of date in an impact graph until you
update the simulation process to refer to the new revision.