About Rules

Steps use rules to move data between Process Composer and your working directory.

See Also
Creating a Download Rule
Creating a Delete Rule
Creating an Upload Rule
Running a Step

In most cases, you will create download and upload rules by reference. Rules by reference refer to an internal pointer to a document in the database and not directly to the name of the document. Therefore, if the document is renamed or moved, the rule will still remain valid.

You can create download and upload rules in a simulation activity that operate on a referenced document in a simulation process or in a simulation activity (which may not be a parent or a sibling of the simulation activity that is executing the step). For example, you can create a download rule in a simulation activity that downloads a referenced document from an unrelated simulation process or simulation activity to the working directory. You can also create download and upload rules in a simulation activity that operate on a referenced simulation folder; however, the simulation folder must reside in the simulation activity's parent simulation process.

The Actions menus on the Content page are the most convenient approach for creating rules. You can do the following:

  • Select multiple documents and create a download rule that downloads or checks out the documents and all the files in the documents (a document that is checked out cannot be modified by other people).
  • Select a document and create a download rule that downloads or checks out the document and all the files or only specified files within the document.
  • Select a document and create a delete rule that deletes the document.
  • Select a document and create an upload rule that uploads the document and all the files or only specified files within the document.

Alternatively, when you create a download, delete, or upload step, you can create and configure its corresponding rule.

You can run a rule, without running an entire simulation activity, by running only the step that contains the rule.

Note: If you run a rule consisting of only a download or upload step, the job runs on your local 3DOrchestrate Station (localhost) instead of the 3DOrchestrate Station specified by the Affinities setting of the simulation activity's Execution Options page.