Creating End Cuts

You can create end cuts of the stiffener to maintain the connectivity. A set of standard end cuts is defined in the endcut table assigned in Data Setup.

Before you begin: Open a structure that contains the panels and the plates with a number of stiffeners.
See Also
Editing and Deleting End Cuts
Managing Endcuts
In Other Guides
Content for Structure Apps
  1. From the Detail section of the action bar, click EndCut .
  2. In the EndCut panel, select the required stiffener in the Profile box.

    You can select multiple stiffeners.

    The name of the profile, extremities of the stiffener, limit type, and section of the selected stiffener are displayed in the dialog box.
    Important: The label of the extremities may change according to the name of the directions of the Space Referential bounding box.
  3. Select the rows to define end cuts, and click Define/Edit EndCut .
  4. In the Define Feature and Parameters dialog box, define the end cut:
    1. From the Limit Type list, select the required delimitation type.
    2. From the Type list, select the required end cut type.
    3. From the Name list, select the required end cut reference.

      The type and name lists are generated from the endcut table defined in the Resources Catalog or the Resources Library resource, set in Data Setup. If no Resources Catalog or Resources Library resource is set in Data Setup, the Type list becomes unavailable and you can click More... in the Name list:

      • To select the required endcut reference from the catalog or library, if the Structure Reference Catalog or the Structure Reference Library resource is set in Data Setup.
      • To search the required endcut reference in the database, if no Structure Reference Catalog or Structure Reference Library resource is set in Data Setup.

    4. Optional: In the Parameter frame, clear the Linked to reference check box to enter the required public parameters.

      By default, the Linked to reference option is selected.

      Important: If you clear the Linked to reference check box for the selected end cuts, it becomes unavailable for further edition. Once the link between the instantiated end cut and the end cut reference is removed, it is not possible to link them back together.

    5. Click Apply.
    The end cut parameters are defined and applied.
  5. Click OK in the Define Feature and Parameters dialog box.
    The end cuts are created. The defined end cut and endcut type are displayed in the EndCut panel.

  • The end cuts are indicated by trimming the extremity of the profile in the 3D area.
  • To measure the distance between a limit and a web end cut along the trace of the stiffener, modify the end cut reference: Assign Gt parameter instead of G parameter. Assign G parameter to measure the distance between the limit and web end cut parallel to the limit.
  • If both the parameters exist, the preference will be given to Gt parameter during computation of end cut.