Running Synchronization Batch Using the Batch Monitor

You can run the synchronization batch using the Batch Monitor.

  1. Access the Batch Monitor using the command line or using the Utility... command available in the Tools section of the action bar. For more information, see Accessing the Batch Monitor.
  2. In the Utilities tab, double-click CATSddSyncBatch.
    The CATSddSyncBatch dialog box appears.
  3. Search the root product:
    1. Click 3DEXEPERIENCE Platform Object Search .

      Note: You can click Change Location for Object Selection to specify a server, if your objects are stored on another server.

    2. In the 3DEXEPERIENCE Platform Object Search dialog box, select the object type and the extension if any, specify the search criteria, and click Apply.
      The searched objects are added to the CATSddSyncBatch dialog box.
    3. Delete other objects using and keep only the root product.

    For more information, see Searching for Objects.

  4. Click Set root .
  5. Delete the previously searched objects from the CATSddSyncBatch dialog box, and repeat the Step 3 to search the design units or the structure systems to be synchronized.
    • While specifying the search criteria, select Structure System or Structure Design Unit in the Object box.
    • It is recommended to keep either structure systems or structure design units in the CATSddSyncBatch dialog box.
    • The batch monitor searches only reference objects, not instances.
  6. Optional: Under the report area, modify the report directory and the report name.
  7. Click Run to run the batch.
  8. When the batch process is finished, click Open Main HTML Report to open the report.

    • During the batch process, you must not modify any object which is being synchronized.
    • You must not simultaneously initiate multiple batch processes for the same Structure Functional Design object.
    • If you close the session during synchronization, the batch process still continues and saves the result of the synchronization.
    • Rerouting on the ON BOUNDARY limiting objects is not performed during the batch synchronization. You must re-synchronize the object for which rerouting is needed.