Creating a Flange

You can create a flange on the free edge of a plate or a split plate of the panel.

Before you begin: Open a plate having straight free edges.
See Also
About Flange
  1. From the Detail section of the action bar, click Flange .
    The Flange dialog box appears.
  2. In the Plate box, select a plate or a panel on which the flange is to be defined.

    Important: When you select a panel, the split plate of the panel is selected.

    The edges on which a flange can be created are highlighted.
  3. In the Edge box, select one or more highlighted edges.

    Tip: You can also extract edges using the Create Extract contextual command and select them.
    Important: The edge must be straight, and must belong to the boundary element of the plate.

  4. In the Mode list, select Centered or Tangent.
  5. In the Flange Width box, enter a value (say 300mm).

    You can use one of the following options to select a reference for width calculation:

    Inner face
    Outer face
  6. In the Angle box, enter the required bending angle value (say 60 degree).

    This value indicates the angle by which flange will bend from the plate or a panel .

    Note: Click Flip to change the flange orientation.

  7. In the Radius box, specify radius between the plate and the flange.
  8. Optional: To create a flange without increasing the overall length of the plate, select one of the following Trim options:

    Without Trim Inner Trim Outer Trim
    Where, L is length of the plate.

  9. Optional: Under the Limits area, select the start and end limits.

    You can select reference planes or surfaces to limit the flange. You can also define the offset value for the start and end extremity.

  10. Optional: Under the End Cut area:
    1. In the Distance box, enter the distance from the free edge, to position the end cut.

      Important: The distance should not be greater than flange width.

    2. In the Angle box, enter the required value.

      The angle is always counted from the vertical edge of the flange.

    3. In the Radius box, enter the end cut radius.

    You can set the same end cut parameters for start and end extremities, by keeping the chain mode active.

  11. Click OK.
    The flange is created. In the tree, the flange is aggregated under the plate or split plate of the panel.
  12. Optional: To edit the flange, select the flange in the work area and click Flange on the context toolbar.