Creating an Opening on Profile with a 3D Object

You can create an opening at the intersection of the 3D object.

Before you begin: Open the structure containing profiles and extruding surfaces or volumes passing through the profiles.
See Also
Opening on Profile Dialog Box
  1. From the Detail section of the action bar, click Opening on Profile .
    The Opening on Profile dialog box appears.
  2. From the Category list, select the required opening category.

    If no project dictionary is set in Data Setup, only the default category is available.

  3. In the Applied to box, select a profile, either a stiffener or a beam.
  4. From the Method list, select 3D Object.
  5. In the Cutting elements box, select a 3D object.

    Here we have selected an extruded surface as a cutting element.

  6. Click OK.
    The opening is created on the profile.

  7. Optional: To edit the opening, select the opening in the work area, and click Opening on Profile on the context toolbar.

  • You can copy an opening from an object (panel, plate, or profile) to another using the Advanced Copy. To do so, select the reference planes of the source and destination objects, and select the opening to be copy. Perform the reroute analysis and change the Applied on object from the source object to the destination object. The opening is copied. For more information, see reroute analysis.
  • If you select a seamed Structure Design panel as a cutting element, the panel's thickness is taken into account and not the thicknesses of individual split plates.