Upgrading Study Design and Tracking

You can upgrade Study Design and Tracking from earlier versions. The installation process automatically updates the underlying data model with any enhancements. You can update existing study data to make use of the data model enhancements.

Before you begin: Install Study Design and Tracking. For more information, see Installing Study Design and Tracking.

Context: Since Study Design and Tracking R2022x changes to the data model include:

  • The addition of a new Study Id property
  • The use of units referenced from Foundation Hub

The required data model changes for these features are made automatically during installation. However, the equivalent values are not added or updated for existing studies. You can populate the Study Id values for existing studies and update unit values to reference Foundation Hub units by running a data upgrade script.

Note: Study Design and Tracking R2022x FD03 introduces a new Task Plan Id property. The upgrade script does not automatically populate values for this property for existing studies. For studies created in earlier versions, you can pause and reactivate a study to initiate population of the Task Plan Id.

Run the following script:


This updates existing studies with Study Id values and references to the appropriate Foundation Hub units.