Dress-up templates are aggregated to the support view, which is then aggregated to the
parent sheet. These sheets organize the templates in the drawing representation.
Classify the dress-up of same type in the same sheet: a sheet
containing title block template definitions and the other sheet containing frames
Dress-up template can contain either static or dynamic elements:
Static Elements
Static elements are defined in template using regular drafting commands. During a
template instantiation and synchronization, the static elements are copied from the
Static elements removed from a template can also be deleted from the
dress-up instance during the template synchronization.
The following static elements are supported:
- Sketch Geometry
- You can create the following geometric elements: Point, line, circle, and other
conics, such as ellipse and corners.
In a dress-up instance, the geometric elements
are copied and the construction elements are hidden.
Geometrical constraints
and fix together functionalities are supported.
- 2D Components
- 2D component instances are supported in dress-up template. 2D components are copied
in the dress-up instance as is, and are linked to the source 2D component
- Annotations
- You can create the following annotation elements: Text, table, dimension, and so
The annotations are copied in the dress-up instance. These are static
elements, and thus the content edition is locked.
Dimensions are not shown in
dress-up instance. These are mostly used through driven dimensions, as constraint to
drive geometry.
The following annotations are not supported: GD&T and
- Labels
- Labels are supported in dress-up template. Labels are copied in the dress-up
instance as is.
The user editable text and text templates of labels are not
- Standard Dress-up
- You can create the following dress-up elements: Picture and area fill.
following dress-up elements are not supported: Threads and center
Arrows are not supported in a dress-up instance.
Dynamic Elements
Dynamic elements are created using specific commands available in the Dress-up
Template Definition dialog box.
These elements have the particularity to either let the user to modify textual content in
dress-up instance (and retain these changes during synchronization to the source template)
or compute them automatically depending on instance context.
Using the position and orientation links between annotations supports effective layout of
variable-length text data. These links are kept in dress-up instance.
Set the links and configure text formatting attributes.
User Parameters
Dress-up template lets you create the user parameters.
User parameters are special parameters defined in the template and is synchronized to the
dress-up instance. This lets the user to modify the values in the instance.
When used with text annotations and attribute links, you can effectively customize the
textual content of dress-up instance with the user data. Additionally, user values set in
dress-up instance are retained during instance synchronization. User parameters can be
considered as a way to create user defined boxes.
- User Parameters Creation
User parameters are intended to be linked by regular text or table annotations
through attribute links.
In the Dress-up Template Definition dialog box, click the
Manage Template Parameters icon to create the user parameters.
In the Parameter Explorer panel, create new parameters. User
parameters must be of type string.
For example, the default value of a parameter must be the name of the parameter (or
an abbreviation) enclosed by braces such as "" or <>. This lets you have a better
visual identification of their location in the dress-up.
The default parameter
value must not be empty. Otherwise, you cannot re-use the parameter as a target of
an attribute link.
- Link to User Parameter from Text Annotation
- The user parameters must be linked to existing text annotations or table
Edit an existing text annotation. Select the Insert Attribute Link command
and select the user parameter.
In a dress-up instance, the link between the
annotation and the user parameter is kept. This lets the user to customize the
dress-up content through user parameter modification.
Template Parameters
You can create template parameters whose value cannot be modified by the user in an
instance. They are intended to be modified by internal knowledge rules. See Rules on
Parameters and Rules on Context.
Create a new parameter (or copy an existing parameter) in the second parameter set of the
dress-up template. This set is not available for direct user modification in the dress-up
It is recommended to insert or create such computed parameters only under
the template parameters node, and not under the user parameters node.
These parameters are to be used with knowledge rules. The values of the parameters are
lost after synchronization as they are computed by the rules at each synchronization.
User-Defined Annotations
In addition to the static text and table annotations, the dress-up templates let you mark
the existing annotations as user-defined. The values of this annotations are editable in
the dress-up instance and are kept during the instance or template synchronization.
In the Dress-up Template Definition dialog box, click the Set
Annotation as User-Defined icon to mark an existing annotation as user-defined. You can
select a text or table annotation. These user-defined annotations are displayed with a
green box in the dress-up template.
Apply the command again on the same annotation to unset the editability flag.
It is similar to the Allow modification in Instance functionality in a 2D component, with
an additional behavior to keep the annotation style driven by the template during instance
or template synchronization. It also takes into account the position or orientation links
with other annotations (which is not supported by a 2D component).
- It is different from user parameters (in which the parameters themselves are user
editable, and not the annotations).
- You can mark an annotation as user-defined by selecting an annotation from the
current template support view.
- In user-defined tables, you cannot create variable columns or rows in a dress-up
Text Templates
Text templates can be inserted in a dress-up template. By default, the text templates are
automatically routed to the object in a dress-up instance.
If you want to manually route the text template, it has to be marked as user-defined. In
this case, it cannot be routed automatically, and the value computed by the user is kept
during synchronization to template.
You can also copy an existing text template.
- The display of text templates cannot be changed (For example, Type.Attribute).
However, the bounding box is not taken into account for the title block. This lets
you place the text freely without impacting title block positioning.
- Table templates are not supported.
Rule on Parameters
These are knowledge rules that drive the template behavior using the user parameters as
input. For example, this functionality can be used to change the display status of a
template element depending on a user parameter of type Boolean.
The rules are located under the Template Parameters and Relations
node of a dress-up template.
In the Dress-up Template Definition dialog box, click the Create
Rule icon to create a rule on parameter.
You can create intermediate template parameters (which are not visible by the user), if
needed by the rules.
Rule on Context
These are knowledge actions that drive the template behavior using a contextual object
(an object coming from where the dress-up template is instantiated). For example, you can
compute a text annotation content using the main sheet, or a custom 3D object.
The rules are located under the Template Parameters and Relations
node of a dress-up template.
In the Dress-up Template Definition dialog box, click the Create
Rule on Context icon to create a rule on context.
By default, the action has an input argument ContextObject of type Feature. It can be
changed to the required context object type.
Rules on context are run automatically at instance creation, synchronization, or local
update, using the most appropriate object as ContextObject input.
Text Template and Rules Routing Strategy
Automatic routing of text template and rules on context is done depending on the
knowledge type involved. The following types are listed below:
- DrwView: route to the drafting view containing the dress-up (generally this is the
background view).
- DrwSheet: route to the drafting sheet.
- ASDSheet: route to the ASD sheet feature itself. Useful to get additional sheet
info, such as margins or format.
- DrwDrawing: route to the drawing root.
- PLMCoreRepReference: route to the owning representation (mostly drawing). Useful to
get the title, description, revision, and so on.
- PLMCoreReference: route to the owning reference of the drawing. This only works if
the drawing representation is not in shared state.
- VPMReference: route to the represented product of the sheet.
- VPMInstance: route to the represented product of the sheet, as an instance.
- ProductOccurrence: route to the represented product of the sheet, as an
The usage of sub-types is supported. For example, PLMCoreRepReference=>Drawing,
VPMReference=>Piping_Spool, ProdutOccurrence=>Piping_Spool_Occurrence, etc.
The represented product of the sheet is either specified by batches, or considered
automatically from the first generative view.
Using the ASDSheet type, you can access everything: the DrwSheet using .Sheet attribute,
the DrwDrawing using .Sheet.Owner attribute sequence, the View using .Sheet and scan for
the background view, the Represented Product (a ProductOccurrence) using
.RepresentedProduct attribute (you may then access the VPMReference or VPMInstance), and
the owner Drawing using GetPLMOwner (ASDSheet) function.