Multi-Discipline Drafting

Multi-Discipline Drafting is a solution that enhances the capabilities of Drafting and Drafting-related tasks by providing powerful tools for designing and managing drawings, layouts, and reports. It focuses on productivity, usability, and flexibility to let you produce a large number of drawings efficiently, reducing the number of design errors.

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What's New
Multi-Discipline Drafting Basics
In Other Guides

Multi-Discipline Drafting is designed for any designer working with drawings. It lets you create drawings according to your business and standards, without spending time on unnecessary drafting operations.

Multi-Discipline Drafting provides the following key capabilities:

  • Create complex annotations, fully associative to 3D objects, in one click and manage them efficiently.
  • Create and manage 2D views more efficiently.
  • Easily navigate from 2D to 3D and vice versa.
  • Create complex reports and Bill of Materials associative to 3D in the drawings.
  • Fine-tune the way in which views are updated and elements projected to 2D.

Multi-Discipline Drafting is based on templates and rules that let you input the behavior, so that the drawings are fully compliant with your standards and your way of designing.