Creating a Coordinate Annotation

You can annotate the coordinates of an element node or an axis system to a reference plane or a reference element.

The following objects are supported: fluidic nodes, axis systems, and structural openings, and reference is computed from either the reference plane, the reference axis, or a point in the 3D area.

Before you begin: A drawing containing a generated view.
  1. From the Smart Annotation section of the action bar, click Coordinate Annotation .
  2. In the Coordinate Annotation Definition dialog box, click and select a template.

    Tip: In the Catalog Browser , you can double-click a template to select it.
    The template chapter is saved as preference for next time usage.

    The template is selected and the Annotation list displays the type.

    The representation or content of the annotation depends on the designed template and the parameters defined in the template.

  3. In the view, select an element.

    You can select a generated item or an interactive element such as a point or a line. If a generated item is selected, and if the element contains nodes or axis, such graphic representation is visible on the selected element. Select a node to create an annotation on it.

  4. Optional: Under Reference, select a reference option and then select a plane.

    By default, the plane of reference is the zero of the global axes if no input is provided and it depends on the view plane definition. For example, if the view plane is parallel to the XY/YZ/ZX plane, the default reference plane is (Z=0/X=0/Y=0) respectively. You can also select any other plane as reference.

    You can select a reference object by selecting an axis system or a point in 3D area.

  5. Under Leader, select Activate or Deactivate.
  6. Optional: In the Parameters tab, modify the required parameters.
  7. Optional: In the Action Management tab, route the annotation action argument to a different feature.

    For more information, see Routing Action Links.

  • Double-click the annotation to edit it.
  • When a generated object is selected, the graphic representations of placement nodes appears, and you can select a node to place the coordinate annotation.
  • Depending on the type of selected object, the graphic representation shows fluidic nodes, axis system, or structural openings.
  • Depending on the selected option, a node is extracted from the element and an annotation is computed and placed on it.
  • In the case of geo-location computation, the geo-location needs to be applied before selecting the element.

    Geo-location, reference position, and distance to reference can be defined within the same template with provided parameters.