Creating a View Filter

You can create a spatial filter and a 3D element filter to filter the parts from the view.

Before you begin: A structural product representation containing a drawing sheet with one or more generated views.
See Also
Modifying a View Filter
  1. From the Smart View section of the action bar, click Create View .
  2. In the Smart View Panel dialog box, click the Primary Content Filter tab.
  3. Under Filters, click Add 3D Box.
  4. In the Create Box dialog box, select any one of the following from the list:

    Part: Click Selection and select a part from the 3D area.

    You can select one or more parts to create the box. The box is created enclosing all the selected parts.

    Reference Planes: Select six planes to define the box to view the plane selection preview in 3D.

    You can also select planes from SRS.

    You must select the planes in sequential order.

    For example, if you select the first plane from deck plane list, then next plane selection must be a deck plane. The third plane can be any plane other than the deck plane, the fourth plane should follow the third plane selection.

    To modify the selected plane, select the corresponding plane in the list and select another plane either from the 3D area or from the SRS.

    From Coordinates:

    This option is available when the SRS planes are set in the Data Setup.

    1. Select the SRS planes to define the box in terms of SRS coordinates.

      For example, select a plane to define the minimum value along the Aft<-->Fore, and specify the offset from the selected plane to define the co-ordinate value related to offset.

    2. Select the planes for Starboard<-->Portside and Bottom<-->Top.
    3. After selection, select the planes in 3D to modify the minimum or maximum value.
    4. When you select a plane, the nearest coordinate value is modified.

      For example, if the selected plane is near to the bottom, the bottom plane value is modified.

    Note: The box created is an axis oriented box (global axis).

  5. Under Box Filter Type, select an option from the following:
    • All Intersected Elements: All the elements that intersect with the box are extracted in the drawing.
    • Only inside the box: All the elements that are completely inside the box are extracted in the drawing.
    • 3D clipping: View is clipped according to the box.

      You can also specify the view dress-up values in the GVS for 3D clipping. See 3DClipping.

  6. To add some elements to the view, click Selection next to Add elements to the view and select a 3D element from the 3D area.

    This option is available only if a spatial filter box is created.

    Press Ctrl + select elements to add a new element or deselect an already selected element.

  7. To remove some elements from the view, click Selection next to Remove elements from view and select a 3D element from the 3D area.

    Press Ctrl + select elements to add a new element or de-select an already selected element.

  8. Optional: Click Selection again to view the list.

    You can add or replace an element from the list.

Note: In the Standard Definition dialog box, you can specify the standard GVS (Generative View Styles) values for a view filter of 3D clipping type. For more information, see3DClipping.