Using Adapters

You use adapters to build your simulation process. Each adapter has its own editor that allows you to configure each adapter individually.

Optimization Process Composer offers three types of adapters: utility adapters, application adapters, and flow adapters.

Flow adapters are adapters that are designed to contain a simulation process, which runs some number of times depending on the adapter's own specific logic, driving the execution of that simulation process. Application and utility adapters are adapters that are designed to perform some end functionality, sometimes invoking and interacting with an app that is external to Optimization Process Composer.

You can use a subset of the function adapters in a co-simulation group. Co-simulation refers to the concurrent execution of two or more processes that communicate results during the simulation.

In this section:

Application Adapters
Utility Adapters
Flow Adapters
Parallel Execution of Workflows
Adapters Supported for Cloud Execution