Importing Objects From a 3DXML File

You use the Import From a 3DXML File batch utility to import objects from a 3DXML file.

Before you begin: You must configure an upload step before this step and a download step after this step for the 3DXML file that you are importing.
See Also
3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter
Configuring the Utility's Execution Options
Configuring the Pre-Execution Options
Configuring the Post-Execution Options
  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility .
  3. From the 3DX Utility editor that appears, select the Execution tab.
  4. From the Select a 3DX Utility menu, select Import from a 3DXML File.
  5. In the File Name text box, enter the name of the file to import.
  6. Select an import option: Import as Reference or Import as New.
  7. If you imported a new object, enter the Duplicate string.

    The duplicate string is used if any of the new object names conflict with existing objects.

  8. Select Delete file if import is successful to delete the 3DXML file once it is imported.
  9. Optional: Configure the Execution Options.
  10. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the 3DX Utility editor.