Saving Simulation Results to a File

You use the Save Simulation Results batch utility to extract screenshots of the field and history plots in a physics simulation object into image files in the runtime directory.

See Also
3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter
Configuring the Utility's Execution Options
Configuring the Pre-Execution Options
Configuring the Post-Execution Options
  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility .
  3. From the 3DX Utility editor that appears, select the Execution tab.
  4. From the Select a 3DX Utility menu, select Save Simulation Results.
  5. To specify the physics simulation object containing the field and history plots, do either of the following:
    • Select Content, and select a physics simulation object in the workflow or search for a physics simulation object.
    • Select Parameter, and select an object parameter that refers to a physics simulation object.
  6. Enter the prefix to the name of the image file that will contain a plot of field output data. Optimization Process Composer generates an image file for each field plot. The default file name is the name of the field plot.
  7. Enter the name of the image file that will contain a plot of history output data. Optimization Process Composer combines all of the history curves into a single image file. The default file name is History_Output.jpg.
  8. Enter the Camera name to specify the camera view that will be used to generate the field output images.
  9. Select the Execution Options.
  10. Click OK to save your changes and to close the 3DX Utility editor.