Generating File from Results by Simulation Setup

You can store watchlists results in the database, as Engineering Documents, containing CSV files. You can do this by activating an option in the Simulation Setup. This simplifies the exchange of simulation results with other apps, for example, Process Composer.

  • You can also access the stored CVS files in the Result category of the tree.
  • The feature works both when you work interactively in Behavior Experience and when you use the batch utility.
  • Only the pure watchlist results are exported, any signal operator probe results are not included.
  • You can also export the results data to a CSV file in the database by a command. For more information about this command, and other alternatives to export different simulation results, see About Exporting Simulation Results.

Before you begin: Create one or several scenarios with watchlists.
  1. To activate the export for a scenario, do the following:

    Important: Each scenario has its own Simulation Setup. This means that you can control which scenarios to export results from.

    1. In the tree, click the scenario to select it.
    2. From the Scenario section of the action bar, click Simulation Setup .

      For more information about this command, see Setting up a Simulation.

    3. From the General tab, activate Store watchlist result in CSV document.

      The option is by default not activated.

    The export is activated from this scenario.
  2. Simulate and generate results.

    For more information, see Simulating and Generating Results.

    The following is the result:
    • The results of the scenario are saved in the database as a CSV file, stored in an Engineering Document, attached to the simulation object. The document can be seen in Simulation Finder.
    • The document can also be accessed from the tree, in the Result of the scenario. An example with one scenario:

      Note: To access the CSV results file from the tree, do any of:
      • Double-click the CSV result table file.
      • Right-click the CSV result table file and select CSV result table object > Definition.
    • If the export is activated for more than one scenario, one document per scenario is created.
    • If a scenario activated for export contains multiple watchlists, then the results for all the watchlists are stored into a single CSV file.
    • Each new simulation updates the existing documents.
  3. When exporting is no longer needed for a scenario, clear the setting Store watchlist result in CSV document for this scenario.
    No more results are exported automatically from this scenario, but the previously exported files remain in the database.