Creating Steady State Probes

You can create a steady state probe which is used to record the values of all variables for a selected time point.

Before you begin: Select a scenario as current context.
Note: Only the result of Dymola behaviors and context behaviors can be stored in steady state probes. The result of FMUs inserted directly in the functional or logical model cannot be stored. However, the result of FMUs inserted into Dymola behaviors or Context behaviors can be stored.
See Also
About Behavior Experience
Simulating and Generating Results
  1. From the Scenario section of the action bar, click Create Steady State Probe .
    A Steady State Probe dialog box appears.
  2. In that dialog box, select the time at which the values should be saved.
    • Select Take steady state at stop time to use the stop time.
    • Select Custom time to enter a different time.
  3. Click OK to create a steady state probe.
    A steady state probe is created for the current scenario, in the following locations:

  4. To create a steady state result, perform a simulation.
    A steady state result is generated.

    In this example a steady state result at stop time is generated.