Sharing Excitations and Probes Between Scenarios

When you define new probes and excitations, they are available to select for all scenarios, including new scenarios, within a given simulation object. This makes it easier for you to modify multiple scenarios.

Sharing is available for the following excitations or probes:

  • Initial Condition excitations
  • Forced Value excitations
  • Initial Steady State Values excitations
  • Watchlist probes (including signal operator probes)
  • LivePlot probes
  • Monitored Variables in Diagram (Pinned Variables) probes
  • Measure probes
  • Interference probes
  • Steady State probes
  • Camera Viewer probes

  • You cannot share excitations and probes between scenarios from different behavior experiences (simulation objects).
  • Only the probe specifications are shared, not the results.
  • There is a link between the instances of shared excitations and probes.
  • When you create an excitation or probe, it is created as sharable. See, for example Defining and Handling Initial Conditions or Creating Watchlists with or without Live Plots.
  • When you edit a shared excitation or probe in a scenario, your modifications are automatically applied to all the scenarios that include that excitation or probe.

  1. To handle the sharing of excitations and probes for a scenario, from the tree, double-click the scenario node.
    The Systems Scenario dialog box appears.
  2. To manage the sharing of excitations, click the Excitations tab and do any of the following:
    • To add an available shared excitation to the scenario, select the excitation in the Available pane, and then click Arrow Right.
    • To remove an excitation from the scenario, select the excitation in the Referenced pane, and then click Arrow Left.

    • You can only work with one excitation at a time, multiselection is not supported.
    • When you select an excitation and perform any of the above actions, all signals in that excitation are handled. It is impossible to handle individual signals.
    • If the excitation includes signal operators, they are shared as well.

  3. To manage the sharing of probes, click the Probes tab and do any of the following:
    • To add an available shared probe to the current scenario, select the probe in the Available pane, and then click Arrow Right.
    • To remove a probe from the current scenario, select the probe in the Referenced pane, and then click Arrow Left.

    • You can only work with one probe at a time, multiselection is not supported.
    • When you select a probe and perform any of the above actions, all signals in that probe are handled. It is impossible to handle individual signals.
    • If the probe includes signal operators, they are shared as well.