2D Panel Section

The 2D Panel section provides commands for managing animation and event rules.

Create 2D Panel
Creates a 2D Panel containing rules to interact with the experience.
You must first select an experience.

Enter a name to create a new 2D panel, and then select it in the tree to edit it.

Note: You must associate an SVG file with the 2D panel before inserting rules.
See Creating a 2D Panel.
Import 2D Panel
Imports a 2D panel.
You must first select an experience.

Drag or select a .zip file that contains the 2D panel to be imported.

See Importing and Exporting 2D Panels.

Edit Animation Rules
Lets you edit the animation rules which define how the SVG associated file is animated.
See Editing Animation Rules.

Edit Event Rules
Lets you edit the event rules which define how the SVG associated file reacts to interactions.
See Editing Event Rules.
Export 2D Panel
Exports a 2D panel.
Select an existing 2D panel to be exported.
See Importing and Exporting 2D Panels.

In edit mode, saves the system experience with its 2D panels and scenarios.
See Authoring a System Experience.

Delete 2D Panel
Deletes an existing 2D panel.
You must first select an experience.

Select an existing 2D panel in a dialog box to be deleted.