Modifying the Planning Break

You can modify the planning break.

Before you begin: Create the planning break.
  1. In the tree, double-click the new node.
    The Planning Break dialog box appears.
    • Panel planning breaks: The preview is similar to the panel preview, but without handles. The limit tags are displayed.

      The Offset box is unavailable if a volume is selected as a limiting element.

    • Profile planning breaks: The preview is similar to the profile preview, but without handles. The start and end tags are displayed.
  2. Edit the planning break.

    You can perform the following operations:

    • Click IN or OUT to change the status to in or out.
      Note: If the parent object definition prevents a change of status, the IN or OUT options are unavailable.
    • Select another limiting object. The selection is listed in the Planning Breaks area.
      Note: You can select a surface, a reference plane, a volume and a curve. A curve can be defined using the Sketcher app.
    • Enter the offset value in the Offset box, to set the offset for the limiting object.
      Note: The Offset box is unavailable if a volume is selected as a limiting element.
    • Click the Switch Side button to change the side of the planning break from the limiting object. The side is displayed in the Side box.
      Note: The Switch Side option is unavailable if a volume is selected as a limiting element.
    • Click the Remove button to remove the selected limiting object.
    • Click to sketch the limiting boundary.
    Note: You can define up to two planning breaks for a stiffener and stiffener on free edge object.
  3. Click OK when done.