Revision Explorer

The Revision Explorer displays objects that have been created from each other by lifecycle operations.

You can view the existing revisions, branches, and duplicates of an object.

Depending on your app, several actions are available from the context menu. For example, you can create revisions, delete the object, or view its properties.

To access an object's Revision Explorer, do one of the following, depending on your app:

  • From the action bar, click Revisions .
  • From the object's context menu, select Revision Explorer .
  • From the Properties widget or Information panel, click the Revisions tab.
    Note: This tab might not be available, depending on the app or context you open the Properties widget or Information panel from. For more information, see the app's user's guide.
  • From the object's identity card, click the revision ID.

In this section:

Revision Explorer User Interface
Exploring Revisions, Duplicates and Branches with the Revision Explorer
Customizing the Display of the Revision Explorer