Downloading and Uploading Configuration Files from the Options Tab

You can download and upload configuration files from the Options tab of the Properties panel.

This allows you to update the configuration of the Properties or Information panel, and of the New … dialog boxes for apps that support it (for example, New Product, New Part, and New Drawing commands in Product Structure Editor).

Required responsibility:Administrator.

  1. Select an object and open the Properties panel, for example from Bookmark Editor or Product Structure Editor.
  2. Click the Options tab.
    The Options tab displays actions for the following configuration files:
    Section Description
    Facets Management Lets you manage the enoPropertiesFacetsParameters.json file. This file enables you to restrict the display of each tab to some object types. For each tab, add the object types of your choice in the authorizedTypes and forbiddenTypes parameters.
    Forms Options Lets you manage the enoMaskOptions.json file.
    Properties Options Lets you manage the file. This file enables you to define whether you want to use the Properties Initialization and Properties Propagation business logics. To use these business logics, define the value of the attributeOptions.activeBL parameter to true.
    Mask Management Lets you manage the mask files for the different object types. These files enable you to define the properties to display for the object type in the Properties panel and in the New … dialog boxes if the app supports it, (For example, New Product in Product Structure Editor). You can also specify the behavior of each property (for example: mandatory, editable, restricted values), and the order in which they are displayed.

    Note: If no mask file exists for a subtype, the mask file for the parent type is used (customized mask file if any, or the default one for the type). If there is no mask file for the parent type, the Default.json mask file is used.

    For more information, see Mask File Syntax.

  3. If you are working with mask files in the Mask Management section, in the search field of the section, search and select a type or subtype of object, a relationship, or an extension.
  4. To download the current configuration file stored in the database, click Download in the corresponding section.

    Note: For mask files, it downloads the mask file used for the type you selected. For more information, see Step 2 above.

  5. To upload a new version of the configuration file in the database, click Upload in the corresponding section.
    The uploaded file replaces the existing configuration file in the database, and the changes are visible in the user interface the next time users open the Properties or Information panel, or the New … dialog box.
  6. To download the default configuration file, click Original in the corresponding section.


    On premises, only use the Options tab to modify your configuration file and upload it. Otherwise, the default configuration might not be accessible anymore.

    If you manually replace those files in /home/data/RTV/[serverName]/apache-tomcat/webapps/3DSpace/WEB-INF/classes/resources/masks with a modified version instead of using the Options tab:

    • The configuration is not applied to the user interface.
    • The Original command downloads this version of the file instead of the default one, which does not exist anymore.

    Note: For mask files, it downloads the default mask file used for the type you selected. For more information, see Step 2 above.

  7. For mask files, to download the previous version of the customized file, click Backup in the Mask Management section.

    Every time you upload a customized mask file for an object type, the previous version is saved as a backup. This is the mask file you can download, and restore if required with the Upload command.

    Note: Only the latest previous version is saved as a backup. You cannot download other previous versions.