Mask File Syntax

For each object type, you can specify the order in which the properties are displayed in the Properties tab, and define specific rules for each attribute, like forbidden characters or whether a property is mandatory or not.

You can also specify the properties displayed in the New … dialog boxes in apps that support it.

You can display and customize:

  • Attributes associated with a type
  • Customer-defined attributes added to a default type using Collaborative Spaces Control Center
  • Customer-defined attributes specified in deployment extensions or specialized types

You can download mask files and upload a modified version from the Options tab. For more information, see Downloading and Uploading Configuration Files from the Options Tab

This page discusses:

Write Section

This section impacts the display of the properties in the Properties tab of the Properties or Information panel.

In the Write section, indicate which attributes you want to display in the order of your choice, with their read-only (RO) or read-write (RW) status, and their group (if any). The order in which you specify the attributes in this section is the order in which the attributes are displayed in the user interface.

In the Details section, add the other characteristics for each attribute (authorized values, read-only or read-write status, mandatory attribute, forbidden characters, ...).

Section Name Parameter Description
Write attributes name The internal name of the attribute.

status Specifies the editing status of the attribute.

For each attribute, indicate whether it is read-only (RO) or editable (RW).

This status overrides the status value in the Details section.

Note: If an attribute is created as read-only, you cannot indicate it as editable in the mask file.

group The group the attribute belongs to.

You must define this group in the groups section.

If you do not specify any group for an attribute, it is displayed under the Attributes group with a 0 weight. For more information, see Groups Section.

Groups Section

This section impacts the display of the groups of properties in the Properties tab of the Properties or Information panel.

In the Groups section, indicate the user interface name of the group, and its position regarding the other groups.

Note: This section is not included in default mask files. If you want to use groups, you need to create it. For more information, see Example.

Section Name Parameter Description
groups group_name

as specified for the attributes in the write section. This name must be unique.

Important: Do not use the Default group name. This name is used to identify the default group of attributes, when no group is specified (user interface name: Attributes).

If you create a Default group and explicitly assign attributes to it, they will be added to this default Attributes group in the order they are listed.

NLS The name of the group as it will appear in the user interface.
weight The weight of the group to indicate its position in regards to the other groups. Groups with a higher weight are displayed first.

By default, the weight is zero (0).

If the weight is the same for several groups, or if it is zero (0), they are ordered alphabetically.

Note: If you do not specify any group for an attribute in the Write section, it belongs to the Default group (user interface name: Attributes), with a zero (0) weight.

Create Section

This section impacts the properties available in the New … dialog boxes, in apps that support it.

In the Create section, indicate which attributes you want to display in the order of your choice, with its read-only (RO) or read-write (RW) status. The order in which you specify the attributes in this section is the order in which the attributes are displayed in the user interface.

In the Details section, add the other characteristics for each attribute (authorized values, read-only or read-write status, mandatory attribute, forbidden characters, ...)

Section Name Parameter Description
Create attributes name The internal name of the attribute
status Specifies the editing status of the attribute.

For each attribute, indicate whether it is read-only (RO) or editable (RW).

This status overrides the status value in the Details section.

Note: If an attribute is created as read-only, you cannot indicate it as editable in the mask file.

Details Section

This section impacts the behavior of the properties displayed in both the Properties tab of the Properties or Information panel (Write section), and in the New … dialog boxes in apps that support it (Create section)

Section Name Parameter Description
Details attributes name The internal name of the attribute
status Specifies the editing status of the attribute.

For each attribute, indicate whether it is read-only (RO) or editable (RW).

Note: If an attribute is created as read-only, you cannot indicate it as editable in the mask file.

mandatory Specifies whether the attribute is mandatory or not.

For each attribute, indicate true if the attribute is mandatory, or false if it is not.

Note: If an attribute is created as mandatory, you cannot indicate it as non-mandatory in the mask file.

hidden Hides the attribute in the Properties tab.

If set to true, the attribute is not displayed in the tab. If set to false, the attribute is displayed.

This parameter enables you, for example, to hide custom attributes.

forbiddenChar Specifies the list of forbidden characters for the attributes.

For each editable attribute, indicate the forbidden characters


Specifies the possible values for the attribute.

If a list of possible values is already defined in metadata (when you create the attribute), then you can use this parameter to restrict the possible values to some of this list only. If you add an authorizedValues that is not in the original list, this value is not displayed.

If there is no authorized value in the metadata, you can specify any value in this parameter.


	"Write": {
		"attributes": [
				"name": "Title",
				"status": "RW"
				"name": "V_Name",
				"status": "RW"
				"name": "PLM_ExternalID",
                           "group": "g1"
				"name": "V_description",
				"status": "RW"
				"name": "owner",
				"status": "RW"
				"name": "V_Scale",
				"status": "RO"
				"name": "V_nature",
				"status": "RO",
                           "group": "g2"
				"name": "custom_att2"
	"groups" :{
		  "g1" :{			
			      "NLS" : "Group 1",
			      "weight" : 0
		   "g2" :{		
			      "NLS" : "Group 2",
			      "weight" : 1
      "Create": {
                "attributes": [
                           "status": "RW"
                           "status": "RO"
                           "status": "RW"
    } ,

      "details": {
		"attributes": {
			"Title": {
				"mandatory": true,
				"authorized_required": true,
				"authorizedValues": ["My Title 1", "My Title 2"],
			"owner": {
				"mandatory": true
			"V_Name": {
				"mandatory": true
			"PLM_ExternalID": {
				"forbiddenChar": "\\/:*?\"<>|#$@%,[]"
			"V_Scale": {
				"authorized_required": true,
				"authorizedValues": [
			"custom_att2": {
				""hidden": "true",
			"V_nature": {
				"defaultValue": "Definition",
				"authorized_required": true,
				"authorizedValues": [