
The Subscribe commands let you choose to receive notifications for events. When you subscribe to an event, such as Promote, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform emails you a notification whenever that event occurs for that specific object.

Not all object types support subscriptions. If you try to subscribe to or unsubscribe from such an object, the app displays a message with that information.

Notifications appear in the 3DNotification Center. For more information, see Customizing 3DNotifications.

Click to subscribe to all available notifications for the selected objects.
Click to unsubscribe from all notifications for the selected objects.
Edit Subscriptions
Click to subscribe to or unsubscribe from specific notification events for the selected object. The dialog box lets you select or clear the check box for the events that apply to the object.
My Subscriptions
Click to list all your subscription notifications.
The dialog box lets you filter the list based on the object type and event, and search for text (either object or event names). You can click for any event to unsubscribe yourself, or select any number of events and click on the toolbar to unsubscribe from all of the selected events.