Configuring Business Panels

You can configure business panels in Store Studio.

Before you begin: You must have the Administrator role (VPLMAdmin). For more information, see: Managing Persons, Roles, Organizations, and Collaborative Spaces in the People & Organizations and Content - Administration guide.
See Also
Access Configuration Files
  1. Access the configuration files.
  2. In the Configuration Files page, download the ENOSHOStoreStudio_BusinessPanelsConfiguration.xml file.
    Note: The list of files also contains JavaScript files and an Excel sheet template.

    • Merch3D_Formulas.js: contains all standards formulas used by Store Studio: this includes the "targeted stock" formula, the "days of stock" formula and the position coefficient formula.
    • formulaSample.js: contains some formula samples used in the indicators panel, such as the maximal capacity or the filling ratio. This file can be the one where the user adds its specific formulas.
    • groupSample.js : contains a sample of grouping formula, such as the SUM.
    • rendererSample.js: contains a sample of renderer used in Grids view of the reporting panel
      • WeightRenderer put the value of the grid in green if the value is inferior to 25%, or red is superior to 75%
    • sampleExportTemplate.xls: template file for excel exports. This file contains preconfigured pivot table, which are automatically computed at the opening of the file.

  3. Modify the attributes.
    • Configure the attributes in the includes tag. This section lists all additional files used in the business panels. All these files must be uploaded on the configuration object to be included. The uploaded files must be Javascript files (.js). The configuration of this tag is optional.
      fileDefines the JavaScript files to load for the panels configuration.Text value.
      typeDefines the role of the computation methods used in the JavaScript files.
      • group: method used to compute the value of a field for a set of facings.
      • formula: method used to compute the value of a field for a facing.
      • renderer: method used to configure the data rendering in a grid of the reporting.
    • Configure the attributes in the fields tag. This section lists all fields defined in the business panels. The user cannot define two fields with the same fieldid. Each field is defined by a field tag. A field is either defined by an "id", a "select", or a "formula". A field cannot be defined by both an "id" and a "select". Specific "id" can be defined by a formula. The configuration of this tag is mandatory.
      fieldidDefines the identifier of a field. This attribute is mandatory and unique.Text value.
      id Defines how the field is computed if retrieved from an identifier. The identifier can be one of the following elements:
      • The identifier of a custom attribute
      • The identifier of a business information attribute
      • Predefined identifiers.
      Predefined values
      • PRODUCT_ID : EAN of the product
      • ELT: section element number in which the facing is present.
      • CDT: position of the product in the consumer decision tree of the sub assortent. The sub assortment is related to the currently edited object of the product.
      • ITEM_COUNT: number of items in the facing.
      • UNIT_COUNT:number of units in the facing.
      • H_COUNT: number of horizontal visible items in the facing.
      • V_COUNT: number of vertical visible items.
      • D_COUNT: number of items in the facing in depth.
      • D_MAX_COUNT: number of maximum items in the facing and that can be placed in depth.
      • H_POSITION: horizontal position of the facing from its parent composition frame in the left-right view.
      • V_POSITION: vertical position of the facing from it parent composition frame. In addition, if the target is set to support, this indicator returns the height position of the parent support of a product.
      • D_POSITION: depth position of the facing from it parent composition frame
      • POSITION_COEFFICIENT:the position coefficient of the product. If several facings of the same product are inserted in the gondola, the position coefficient is by default the minimum of the position of all facings.
      • TARGETED_STOCK: the targeted stock of the product. By default, this field is defined by a standard Store Studio formula.
      • stock: the current inserted stock of the product.
      • linearMeters: the current linear meters of the product.
      • V_SURFACE: the vertical visible surface of the product.
      • H_SURFACE: the horizontal visible surface of the product.
      select Defines the attribute name related to a product or a representation in the ENOVIA database.Text value.

      You can retrieve and use custom attributes for the select attribute.

      For example, if you create a custom attribute named Custom Attribute for Merchandising Product, its database name will be XP_MerchandisingProduct_Ext.Custom_Attribute. You can use this attribute as follows: <attribute select="attribute[XP_MerchandisingProduct_Ext.Custom_Attribute]"/>

      You can use these extensions to retrieve custom attributes for various objects.























      targetDefines if the select attribute applies to the product or the representation.
      • product
      • representation
      • support

        This value is available only if the id is set to V_POSITION.

      Note: The default value is product.
      formulaDefines the method name described in one of the JavaScript files. The method must have the type and formula elements.Text value: name of the formula defined in one of the “formula” javascript files
      typeDefines the types of data corresponding to a field. This attribute is optional.
      • float
      • string
      Note: The default value is string.
      titleDefines the title of a field. This attribute is optional.Text value.
      localisedtitleidDefines the indicator's localization. This attribute is optional. This attribute prevails over the title attributeText value : the localization tag is either a standard tag used by store studio, either an additional tag, included in additional NLS files, uploaded on the configuration object : (Example : English additional file : Localization_en.MPNls)
      unitDefines the unit of a field. This attribute is optional.
      • %
      • Euros
      • ...
      decimalsDefines the default number of decimals to display. This attribute is optional.Numerical value.
      Note: The default value is 2.
      formulagroupDefines one of the following elements:
      • The method name described in one of the JavaScript files. The method must have the type and group elements.
      • Predefined name of a group formula.
      This attribute is optional.

      Predefined formula values

      • AVG: computes the average of the values.
      • MAX: computes the maximal value.
      • MIN: computes the minimal value.
      • SUM: adds the values.
      • VALID_COUNT: the number of defined values.
      • MOST: shows the value of the product with most occurrences.

    • Configure the attributes in the interface3d tag. This section aims at defining the business Data Panel configuration located on the right of the software when the user clicks on the Indicators button.
      • Configure the attributes in the import tag. This section defines which import is available to the user. It can be Server import, Excel import, or both. Each import is defined by an import tag.

        Defines the default server.

        The following values are available:

        • server: import source is the server.
        • excelFile: import source is the Excel file.

        If the Excel file includes a Data worksheet, data are imported from this worksheet. If not, data are imported from the first worksheet.

        The file must include a column with the UPC (or EAN). Other columns correspond to business indicators (header columns correspond to indicators' identifiers).

        Each row corresponds to a product defined by the UPC.

        Note: If one of these values is removed from the .xml file, only one source is displayed in Store Studio.
        Note: If the attribute is set to true, one of the import source is pre-selected in Store Studio.
      • Configure the attributes in the attribute tag.
        Note: This attribute is valid only if the value of the import attribute is server.

        The following values are available:

        • dateRange: business information of a specific period.
        • storesGroups: business information corresponding to sales history in a group of stores.
        • subsEAN: substitute EAN/UPC for new products without sales history.

      • Configure the attributes in the attributes tag. This tag defines the product attributes list that the user can select to group products. This list is displayed in the Indicators panel in Store Studio.
      • Configure the attributes in the groups tag. This tag defines all groups of indicators available in the indicators group check box. Each group is defined by a group tag.
        groupIdDefines a unique id of the group. A group without a group id is ignored. If two groups have the same groupid, the second group is ignored
        localisedTitleIdDefines the NLS tag of the group. To be displayed correctly, the tag should be contained in the configuration NLS.
        Note: This attribute must not contain any spaces or '.' characters.
        DefaultDefines which group appears when the Store Studio is opened for the first time.
        • If no group has the attribute set to true, the first defined group appears.
        • If several groups have the attribute set to true, the first group is considered as the default.

        Defines if a group is available for Store Studio, 3DPlay, or both. It can have the following values:

        • 3dplay: available only for 3DPlay
        • storestudio: available only for Store Studio
        • all: available for both. By default, the value is set to all.

        Under the groups node, you can define the group nodes.

        It defines which field is included in the group. The first defined field in the group is the first field displayed in the group.

        • Ensure that formatting of the xml file is correct, else an error message appears if you try to upload it.
        • Only a correctly defined group is loaded.
        • It is mandatory to define all the fieldid of each field.
        • If a field is defined multiple times, only the first defined field is loaded.
        • The same field can be added in multiple groups.
        • Only a correctly defined group is loaded.
        • If a field is defined multiple times, only the first defined field is loaded.
        • The same field can be added in multiple groups.
    • Configure the attributes in the views tag. This section lists all views contained in the reporting, each view corresponding to a tab page in the reporting. The configuration of this tag is optional. Here are the attributes common to the grid, pie and bar tag views.
      viewidDefines the identifier of a report. This attribute is mandatory.Text value.
      titleDefines the title of a report. This attribute is optional.Text value.
      localisedtitleidDefines the title's localization. This attribute is optional.Text value.
      • Configure the attributes in the grid tag.
        • Configure the attributes in the tree tag. The configuration of this tag is optional. This tag defines the field that represents the tree column of the tree grid. Without this section, the facings are grouped by products.
        • Configure the attributes in the field tag. Each field tag defined corresponds to a new column in the grid.
          fieldidDefines the identifier of a field. This attribute is mandatory.Text or numerical value.
          visibleDisplays or hides a column. This attribute is optional.
          • true: displays the column by default.
          • false: hides the column by default.
          Note: The default value is true.
          rendererDefines the method name described in one of the JavaScript files. The method must have the type and renderer elements. This attribute is optional.Text value: name of the renderer function
          Note: This attribute is valid only if the fieldid id attribute is CDT.
          Defines the maximum depth of the consumer decision tree. Numerical value.
          widthDefines the width of the column (pixels). This attribute is optional.Numerical value.
          flexDefines the widths among the child elements of a container. Automatically resizes the column width if the width is not defined. This attribute is optional.Numerical value.
          Note: The default value is 1.
      • Configure the attributes in the bar tag. The theme attribute defines the theme of bar chart. This theme refers to a color.
        • Configure the attributes in the field tag. This tag defines the identifier of a field for the charts. The level attribute applies to the field tag. It defines the depth of the consumer decision tree. This attribute is valid only if the fieldid attribute is CDT.
    • Configure the attributes in the pie tag. The theme attribute defines the theme of pie chart. This theme refers to a color.
      • Configure the attributes in the field tag. Defines the identifier of a field for the pie. The fieldid attribute is mandatory.

        The first field defined corresponds to the grouping field.

        The second field defined correspond to the displayed field.

        The user cannot define more than two field in a pie chart.

        The level attribute applies to the field tag. It defines the depth of the consumer decision tree. This attribute is valid only if the fieldid attribute is CDT .

    • Configure the attributes in the exports tag. The configuration of this tag is optional. This section lists all exports available in the print panel. Each export is defined by an excel tag.
      • Configure the attributes in the excel tag.
        exportidDefines the identifier of an export. This attribute is mandatory.Text value.
        titleDefines the title of the export option displayed in Store Studio. This attribute is optional.Text value.
        localisedtitleidDefines the title's localization. This attribute is optional.Text value.
        templatefileDescribes the path and name of the .xls template. This attribute is optional.Text value.
        Note: The maxlevel attribute applies to the field tag. It defines the maximum depth of the consumer decision tree. This attribute is valid only if the fieldid attribute is CDT. For more information about the export of business performance reports, see 3D Merchandising User's Guide: Exporting Business Performance Reports.
        • Configure the attributes in the field tag. This tag defines the identifier of a field for the export. The fieldid attribute is mandatory. Each defined field corresponds to a column in the export file.
    • You can define several formula for position coefficients and customize it. You can define the field associated to the POSITION_COEFFICIENT id. An attribute refers is added to all the fields that are a reference of the coefficient field. It contains the fieldid of the position coefficient. The default is the first field that refers the position coefficient.
      • Example:
        <field fieldid="myCoefficientPosition" formula="MyCoefficientPositionFormula" localisedtitleid="BUS_POSITION_COEFF_MYFORMULA" type="float" formulagroup="MIN" refers="coefficient"/>
        <field fieldid="myCoefficientPosition2" formula="MyCoefficientPositionFormula2" type="float" formulagroup="MIN" refers="coefficient"/>
        <field fieldid="coefficient" id="POSITION_COEFFICIENT" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
  4. Upload the modified file.
    For more information, see Update a Configuration File.

Example of a Business Panels Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ENOSHOStoreStudio_BusinessPanelsConfiguration.xsd"> 
		<!-- Standart Merch3D formulas -->
		<include file="Merch3D_Formulas.js" type="formula"/>
		<!-- Specific js files -->
		<include file="groupSample.js" type="group"/>
		<include file="rendererSample.js" type="renderer"/>
		<include file="formulaSample.js" type="formula"/>
		<!-- Standard Store Data -->
		<field fieldid="ean" id="PRODUCT_ID"/>
		<field fieldid="tree" id="CDT" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="element" id="ELT" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="unitcount" id="UNIT_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="itemcount" id="ITEM_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="vcount" id="V_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="hcount" id="H_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="dcount" id="D_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="dmaxcount" id="D_MAX_COUNT" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="targetedStock" id="TARGETEDSTOCK" formula="Merch3D_TargetedStock" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="workingDaysCount" id="ASSORT_WORKING_DAYS_COUNT" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="outerQuantityRatio" id="ASSORT_OUTER_QUANTITY_RATIO" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="stockDaysMin" id="RULES_STOCKDAY_MIN" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="stockDaysMax" id="RULES_STOCKDAY_MAX" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="stock" id="stock" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="stockWeight" formula="stockWeight" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<!-- linearMeters is used by standard merch3D formulas : do not change the fieldId -->
		<field fieldid="linearMeters" id="linearMeters" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="linearMetersWeight" formula="linearMetersWeight" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<!-- Surfaces -->
		<field fieldid="vSurface" id="V_SURFACE" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="hSurface" id="H_SURFACE" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<!--  Product Data  -->
		<field fieldid="title" id="TITLE" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="price" select="attribute[RecommendedPublicPrice]" target="product" type="float" formulagroup="AVG"/>
		<field fieldid="pcb" select="attribute[PCB]" target="product" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="supplier" select="attribute[ShopperSupplier]" target="product" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="brand" select="attribute[SHOAtt_Brand]" target="product" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="color" select="attribute[SHOAtt_Color]" target="product" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<field fieldid="consumerunits" select="attribute[ShopperConsumerUnits]" formulagroup="SUM" target="representation" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="state" select="current" target="product" formulagroup="MOST" type="string"/>
		<!-- JPO -->
		<field fieldid="subassortment" id="SHOProductSubAssortmentCustomAttribute" target="product"/>
		<!-- PositionCoefficients and product position -->
		<field fieldid="merch_Coefficient" formula="Merch3D_PositionCoefficient" localisedtitleid="BUS_COEFF_MERCH_FORMULA" formulagroup="MIN" type="float" refers="coefficient"/>
		<field fieldid="myCoefficientPosition" formula="MyCoefficientPositionFormula" localisedtitleid="BUS_POSITION_COEFF_MYFORMULA" type="float" formulagroup="MIN" refers="coefficient"/>
		<field fieldid="coefficient" id="POSITION_COEFFICIENT" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="x" id="H_POSITION" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="y" id="V_POSITION" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="z" id="D_POSITION" formulagroup="MIN" type="float"/>

		<!-- Position of the parent support -->
		<field fieldid="ySupport" id="V_POSITION" formulagroup="MIN" target="support" type="float"/>
		<!--  Business Data  -->
		<!-- average sales number is used by standard merch3D formulas : do not change the fieldId -->
		<field fieldid="average_sales_number" id="average_sales_number" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="gross_margin_sale" id="gross_margin_sale" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="sales_number" id="sales_number" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="average_price_vat" id="average_price_vat" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="average_price" id="average_price" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="average_purchase_price_vat" id="average_purchase_price_vat" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="average_purchase_price" id="average_purchase_price" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<!-- business data Formulas : undefined without business data -->
		<field fieldid="daysOfStock" id="DAYSOFSTOCK" formula="Merch3D_DaysOfStock" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="average_sales_by_Linear" formula="average_sales_by_Linear" localisedtitleid="BUS_AV_SALES_NUM_BY_LINEAR" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="margin_by_Linear" formula="margin_by_Linear" localisedtitleid="BUS_MARGIN_BY_LINEAR" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<!-- Others formulas -->
		<field fieldid="maximalcapacity" formula="maximalcapacity" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="capacity" formula="capacity" formulagroup="SUM" type="float"/>
		<field fieldid="fillingratio" formula="fillingratio" formulagroup="AVG" type="float"/>
		<!-- Configuration of the available imports and their config. -->
			<import context="server" requestInterval="15" checked="true"> 
				<attribute data="dateRange"/>
				<attribute data="storesGroups"/>
				<attribute data="subsEAN"/>
			<import context="excelFile"/>
		<!-- Configuration of the attributes group list. -->
			<field fieldid="supplier"/>
			<field fieldid="brand"/>
			<field fieldid="color"/>
		<!-- Configuration of the indicators groups. -->
		<!-- Be careful that at least one group has to be defined -->
			<group groupid="group1" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_DATA" available="all" default="true">
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="targetedStock"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
				<field fieldid="vSurface"/>
				<field fieldid="hSurface"/>
				<field fieldid="ySupport"/>
				<field fieldid="pcb"/>	
				<field fieldid="itemcount"/>
				<field fieldid="vcount"/>
				<field fieldid="hcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dmaxcount"/>	
				<field fieldid="tree"/>				
			<group groupid="group2" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_ENOVIA" available="storestudio">
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="supplier"/>
				<field fieldid="brand"/>
				<field fieldid="color"/>
				<field fieldid="price"/>
				<field fieldid="pcb"/>
				<field fieldid="consumerunits"/>
				<field fieldid="state"/>							
			<group groupid="group3" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_STOCK" available="all">
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="targetedStock"/>
				<field fieldid="daysOfStock"/>
				<field fieldid="capacity"/>
				<field fieldid="maximalcapacity"/>
				<field fieldid="fillingratio"/>
				<field fieldid="pcb"/>								
			<group groupid="group4" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_SALES" available="all">
				<field fieldid="average_sales_number"/>
				<field fieldid="average_sales_by_Linear"/>		
				<field fieldid="gross_margin_sale"/>	
				<field fieldid="margin_by_Linear"/>				
			<group groupid="group5" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_PRICES" available="storestudio">
				<field fieldid="price"/>
				<field fieldid="average_price_vat"/>
				<field fieldid="average_price"/>
				<field fieldid="average_purchase_price_vat"/>
				<field fieldid="average_purchase_price"/>			
			<group groupid="group6" localisedtitleid="BUSINESS_GROUP_PRICES" available="3dplay">
				<field fieldid="price"/>
				<field fieldid="average_price"/>
				<field fieldid="average_purchase_price"/>			
			<grid viewid="view1" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_ELT_VIEW">
					<field fieldid="element"/>
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="brand"/>
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="targetedStock"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
				<field fieldid="coefficient"/>
			<grid viewid="view2" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_CDT_VIEW">
					<field fieldid="tree"/>
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMetersWeight" renderer="weightRenderer"/>
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="stockWeight" renderer="weightRenderer"/>
			<grid viewid="view3" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_SUPPLIER_VIEW">
					<field fieldid="supplier"/>
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="subassortment"/>
				<field fieldid="itemcount"/>
				<field fieldid="hcount"/>
				<field fieldid="vcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dmaxcount"/>
			<bar viewid="bar1" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_ELT_BAR">
				<field fieldid="element"/>
				<field fieldid="unitcount"/>
				<field fieldid="maximalcapacity"/>
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
			<pie viewid="pie1" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_SUPPLIER_PIE">
				<field fieldid="supplier"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
			<excel exportid="export1" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_EXPORT_SAMPLE">
				<field fieldid="ean"/>
				<field fieldid="tree" maxlevel="3"/>
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="price"/>
				<field fieldid="pcb"/>
				<field fieldid="supplier"/>
				<field fieldid="brand"/>
				<field fieldid="consumerunits"/>
				<field fieldid="subassortment"/>
				<field fieldid="element"/>
				<field fieldid="unitcount"/>
				<field fieldid="itemcount"/>
				<field fieldid="hcount"/>
				<field fieldid="vcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dmaxcount"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMetersWeight"/>
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="stockWeight"/>
				<field fieldid="maximalcapacity"/>
			<excel exportid="export2" localisedtitleid="REPORTING_EXPORT_SAMPLE_WITH_TEMP" templatefile="sampleExportTemplate.xls">
				<field fieldid="ean"/>
				<field fieldid="tree" maxlevel="3"/>
				<field fieldid="title"/>
				<field fieldid="price"/>
				<field fieldid="pcb"/>
				<field fieldid="supplier"/>
				<field fieldid="brand"/>
				<field fieldid="consumerunits"/>
				<field fieldid="subassortment"/>
				<field fieldid="element"/>
				<field fieldid="unitcount"/>
				<field fieldid="itemcount"/>
				<field fieldid="hcount"/>
				<field fieldid="vcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dcount"/>
				<field fieldid="dmaxcount"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMeters"/>
				<field fieldid="linearMetersWeight"/>
				<field fieldid="stock"/>
				<field fieldid="stockWeight"/>
				<field fieldid="maximalcapacity"/>