Getting Started |
Describes the
key tasks to discover the
3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Describes the key
concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification. |
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps |
Describes the user
interface and tools common to all native apps. This guide complements
Platform. |
Native Apps Preferences |
Describes how to access and customize
the preferences to suit your working habits.
3DEXPERIENCE Simulation Examples |
Provides examples to teach you how to perform
simulation workflows using the 3DEXPERIENCE
platform. |
Material Definition |
Describes how to define materials, apply materials to
objects, and explore materials and material domains. |
Mesh Creation |
Describes how to discretize model geometry into
the finite elements required to compute simulation results. |
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Physics Results Explorer |
Describes how to perform detailed simulation results
visualization for models of all sizes using a wide selection of
tools. |
Powder Bed Fabrication |
Describes how to define an additive manufacturing
process, which covers all steps from preparing 3D objects on the
build tray to exporting output information files. The process also
includes slicing and scan paths generation. |
Physics Simulation
Describes the interactions, tools, and behaviors common
to most physics simulation apps. |
Simulation Finder |
Describes how to access and manage data and
processes that are part of the active simulation. |
Simulation Materials |
Describes the simulation-related material
properties that you can define. |
Simulation | Structures | Structural Model Creation |
Describes how to define a structural simulation