About Performance Indicators

Performance indicators are key results parameters that you use to evaluate your coverage test results. You can view and compare performance indicators using the Performance Trade-off app.

See Also
In Other Guides
Performance Trade-off
Analytics Cases and Data
Mapping Between Parameters and Requirements

After you successfully simulate at least one coverage test, you can open the Performance Trade-off app to display an analysis case of your electromagnetics simulation. The analysis case includes the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you defined in the master simulation project for each coverage test, in addition to predefined KPIs for which you might have requested output. If you simulated multiple coverage tests, you can compare their KPIs. If you modify and then rerun your simulation, Performance Trade-off updates the KPIs within the analysis case to reflect the new results.

Performance Trade-off is a powerful and convenient tool for comparing the KPIs of your coverage tests. You can add requirements for each KPI by assigning a priority, an objective, and a threshold value. If you define global requirements using the Traceable Requirements Management app, you can import the requirements and map their parameters to the analysis case KPIs. To facilitate an easy comparison, Performance Trade-off highlights each KPI in green or red. A green KPI indicates that the value satisfies the requirement, while a red KPI indicates that the value does not satisfy the requirement.

In addition to displaying and comparing KPIs, Performance Trade-off allows you to preview the global product assembly, 3D far-field directivity results, and scattering parameters of each coverage test.