Configuring a Station for Remote Execution of Physics Solvers and Visualization

You can configure any server or computer to perform remote execution of the Abaqus physics simulation solvers or the physics results visualization engine.

The Compute Host and Detached Controller Host configurations described here are only applicable in a 3DOrchestrate system that uses the default built-in DRM mode. If you have configured an open DRM custom interface to your job scheduler and HPC nodes, see Physics Execution Workflow with Open DRM and Detached Controller Host.

Remote execution of the Abaqus simulation solvers in a native apps installation is only supported on a Windows computer that has a supported graphics card and driver. You can find the list of supported graphics cards at under On Premises & On The Cloud Certified Workstations.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
Installation Media for All Simulation Apps and Services
Station Properties File and Startup Command-Line Options