
You use the Dropdown component to add a labeled text field from which a user can choose from a list of predefined choices. You can map any parameter or attribute with choices to a dropdown component, and you can define rules that govern which choices are made available to the user.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Custom User Interface
About Rules


The following figure shows an example of the properties of a Dropdown component. In this example the user selected the Material parameter from the process browser, and the Material parameter was defined with a choice of values.

The following figure shows the resulting output in the customized simulation template. Steel is the default value for the Material parameter.

You can create rules that define a dependent list—the choices that are available to the user in the dropdown menu. In the following example, the choice of materials is limited when the load is above a specified value.


The Dropdown component has the following properties:

NameThe ID of the component (read-only)String
ValueThe object with which to bind or the default choiceString, real, integer, or Boolean (provided choices have been defined for the parameter)
ChoicesDefine rules that govern the available choicesN/A
LabelText to display in front of the input field String
Read OnlyWhether or not the user can modify the default valueBoolean
MandatoryWhether or not a value is requiredBoolean
HiddenWhether or not the component is displayedBoolean
HintText displayed under the list of predefined choices to provide additional information about the values that are availableString