
You use the References component to allow the user to configure a reference to an object.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Custom User Interface
About Rules


The following figure shows an example of the properties of a References component:

The following figure shows the resulting output in the customized simulation template:

You must choose from the list of standard simulation categories in which the reference will be created—Product, Content, Specification, Internal Data, Results, or Validated Data. Custom categories are not supported. When the user selects a file, a new reference document is created in the selected simulation category. The user can select (or drag) from their local file system or from other 3DEXPERIENCE apps, such as 3DSearch.


The References component has the following properties:

NameThe ID of the component (read-only)String
ValueThe simulation process or activity in which the content is storedSimulation process or activity
LabelText to display in front of the input field String
Simulation CategoryThe simulation category in which the content is storedCategory
New Content ModeThe input/output mode for new content Input, Output, InputOutput, or None
Read OnlyWhether or not the user can modify the default valueBoolean
HiddenWhether or not the component is displayedBoolean
HintText displayed under the input field to provide additional information about the content and the possible actionsString