
You use the Table component to allow users to view and edit the content of a simple table.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Custom User Interface
About Rules


The following figure shows an example of the properties of a Table component:

The following figure shows the resulting output in the customized simulation template:

The user can click a table cell and change the value.


The Table component has the following properties:

NameThe ID of the component (read-only)String
ValueThe two-dimensional arrayTwo-dimensional array parameter
LabelText to display above the table String
Column namesLabels above each columnComma-separated strings
Row namesLabels next to each rowComma-separated strings
Read OnlyWhether or not the user can modify the default valueBoolean
HiddenWhether or not the component is displayedBoolean
HintText displayed under the table providing additional information about the values in the tableString