XY Plot

You use the XY Plot component to provide an XY plot of the data in columns of a two-dimensional array parameter.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Custom User Interface
About Rules


The following figure shows an example of the properties of a XY Plot component:

The following figure shows the resulting output in the customized simulation template:


The XY Plot component has the following properties:

NameThe ID of the component (read-only)String
ValueThe two-dimensional arrayTwo-dimensional array parameter
LabelText to display above the plot String
X Axis IndexThe column in the array that contains the X-axis data. (The index refers to a row if the data direction is set to Column.)Integer
Y Axis IndexA comma-separated list of columns in the array containing Y-axis data. If multiple values are entered, Process Experience Studio overlays multiple plots.

(The indices refer to rows if the data direction is set to Column.)

X Axis NameText to display along the X-AxisString
Y Axis NamesA comma-separated list of text describing the Y-Axis dataString
Data DirectionWhether the data progresses along each row or along each columnString (Row or Column)
HiddenWhether or not the component is displayedBoolean
HintText displayed under the plot to provide additional information about the data that are displayedString