Defining a Mass Flow Split Outlet

You can define the proportion of the mass flow leaving the fluid region for each outlet in your simulation.

Before you begin:

Your simulation must satisfy the following conditions to support mass flow split outlets:

  • You can create a mass flow split outlet only when mass flow inlets are defined for all the inlets.
  • All outlets must be mass flow split outlets. You cannot define a pressure outlet for any of the outlets in the simulation.
  • You must define a hydrostatic pressure boundary condition.

See Also
About Outlets
Defining a Mass Flow Inlet
Defining a Hydrostatic Pressure
  1. From the Boundaries section of the action bar, click Mass Flow Split Outlet .
  2. Optional: Customize the default Name for the pressure outlet.
  3. Select the surface where fluid leaves the domain.
  4. Assign a weight to the mass flow leaving through the selected outlet. For example, if you create two mass flow split outlets with weights set to 2 and 1, twice as much mass will flow out of the first outlet as the second.

    Click to specify a scale factor and amplitude for the weighted pressure value:

    Scale factor Multiplier applied to the magnitude in each step.
    Amplitude Name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the pressure during the step.
  5. If surface-to-surface radiation is enabled in the fluid physics, specify one of the following from the Opening radiation condition options:
    Wall typeDescription
    On: Use radiation temp Specifies a radiation temperature to be used in the radiative heat flux calculation at this opening. It is useful when the external temperature that dominants the radiation effects is different from the flow temperature. You can also adjust the emissivity between zero and one. Both the radiation temperature and emissivity can be specified using an uniform value or spatially-varying mapped data.
    On: Use flow temp Uses the flow temperature in the radiative heat flux calculation at this opening. You can specify a uniform value or spatially-varying mapped data for the emissivity. The emissivity has to be between zero and one.
    Off The boundary does not participate in the view factor computation; that is, the boundary is transparent to radiation.
  6. If particle physics are active, you can specify how the particles interact with the outlet. For more information, see Defining a Particle Boundary.
  7. Click OK.