Defining a Hydrostatic Pressure

There must be at least one pressure condition defined for each step of the simulation scenario. In other words, if no pressure outlet or volume-dependent pressure is defined, a hydrostatic pressure condition must be created.

See Also
About Hydrostatic Pressure
In Other Guides
Editing Simulation Features
Defining a Fluid Domain
  1. From the Boundaries section of the action bar, click Hydrostatic Pressure .
  2. Optional: Enter a Name for the flow condition in the dialog box.
  3. Select the geometry support in the model.

    A hydrostatic pressure condition can be applied at any point on the boundary surface of the fluid domain; for example, on the wall boundary.

  4. Enter the magnitude of the pressure in the Hydrostatic Gauge Pressure field.
  5. Optional: Specify a scale factor and amplitude for the pressure value.

    • Scale factor: A multiplier that is applied to the magnitude in each step.
    • Amplitude: Name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the pressure during the step.

  6. Click OK.