Picking Supports Using the Preselection Navigator

You can use the preselection navigator to help you select when they are obscured by other objects. Sometimes, objects (such as geometric points, edges, and faces) in a model can be difficult to access. For example, a face might be hidden by intervening surfaces or an edge might be coincident with another edge. In these situations, position the pointer in the desired area of the model, and use the preselection navigator to step through a list of objects located behind the selected point.

See Also
Hiding Objects Temporarily
In Other Guides
Selecting Using the Preselection Navigator
  1. In the 3D area, press Alt and click a location on the model.

    Important: The object that you want to select must lie behind the pointer.

    A window appears, showing a list of the applicable objects.
  2. Press the up and down arrow keys to step through the list to locate your intended selection.

    The app highlights the active object in the list and in the 3D area.

  3. Press Enter.