About Remote Simulate Options for 3DOrchestrate

The dialog box enables you to choose options such as where your simulation is run. System administrators in your IT department might customize these options.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Remote Simulate Options for 3DOrchestrate

You can run simulations remotely, on other network computers, or through 3DOrchestrate. Your system administrator must configure this network infrastructure with your on 3DEXPERIENCE platform. There are two types of host computers that you can use to run a simulation remotely: the detached controller host and the compute host.

Detached Controller Host

The detached controller host is a computer that distributes simulation jobs to the computers where the jobs are run. This host does not run the job itself.

A detached controller host must have the 3DEXPERIENCE platform native (rich client) physics simulation apps installed. These apps include Mechanical Scenario Creation, Structural Validation, and Functional Generative Design. The native apps installation includes an embedded (private) 3DOrchestrate Station. By default, the station name is the same as the hostname of the computer. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform batch controller will be run on this computer.

Ask your system administrator which kind of host you should choose for remote simulation.

Compute Host

The compute host is a computer where simulation jobs are run. This type of computer must have two items installed: a 3DOrchestrate Station and the simulation compute services (containing the Abaqus solvers).

Resource Manager

The resource manager specifies how distributed resource management (DRM) works for your simulation jobs; that is, how the simulations you submit are scheduled and run in the 3DOrchestrate infrastructure. The following resource manager options are available; for more information about each type, see the 3DOrchestrate Installation and Administration Guide.

Resource Manager Option Description
Built-in Use the default (Fiper) mode for distributed resource management (DRM) in 3DOrchestrate.
LSF Run simulations through Platform LSF (Load Sharing Facility) and 3DOrchestrate.
Other DRM systems Your company may also have a different, customized DRM system configured and listed here, such as a network of hosts that serve as 3DOrchestrate Stations. Ask your system administrator what custom options you should choose in this dialog box.

If you choose (the default) Built-in as the network resource manager, you can choose where your simulation is run:

Built-in Option Description
My local machine Run the simulation on the private 3DOrchestrate Station on your computer.
Allocate host Let the 3DOrchestrate Distribution Server find a remote 3DOrchestrate Station to run the simulation.
Specify host Choose a specific 3DOrchestrate Station on your network to run the simulation. The station name is usually the same as the hostname of the computer.

If you choose LSF as the network resource manager, you can enter the following options:

LSF Option Description
Number of cores The number of processor cores to use to run the simulation.
LSF queue Name of a specific LSF queue.
Host group Name of a specific LSF group of host computers.
LSF options Additional LSF arguments.

User Credentials

Extended Credentials

If your simulation will run on a remote 3DOrchestrate Station that is configured for Run-As security, you must enter login credentials (username and password) that correspond to a user account on the station computer OS. Ask your system administrator about this option. For Windows credentials, you may need to enter the Windows network domain.