Adjusting the Mesh Specifications

You can define the density of the mesh per part body and around geometric holes.

Follow the steps below to adjust your finite element model's mesh specifications. To edit preexisting local mesh specifications, use the Feature Manager.

See Also
Mesh Controls
  1. From the Mesh section of the action bar, click Mesh Specifications .

    The dialog box displays the product structure and the associated mesh specifications for each part body.

  2. From the table, select a part body.

    The app highlights the selected part body in the 3D area and the tree.

    Tip: You can search for a product component by clicking the part body in the 3D area.

  3. In the part body's row, enter values for the following options:
    Element Size Defines a characteristic size for all elements of the part body.
    Elements per Hole Defines the minimum number of elements around geometric holes.

    The default value is 8.

    Tip: You can also edit the mesh specifications using the following methods:
    • From the table, select one or more part bodies, and click Edit . In the Edit Specifications dialog box that appears, enter new values, and click OK.
    • From the table, select one or more part bodies. Click or to increase or decrease the element size by one unit, respectively. Click or to increase or decrease the minimum number of elements per hole, respectively.

    The methods above are particularly useful for applying a new value to multiple part bodies.

  4. Click to generate the mesh for all of the bodies in your model.
    The 3D area displays the model with its updated mesh specifications.
  5. Optional: Click to reset the mesh specifications of selected bodies to their default values, or click to reset the mesh specifications of all bodies to their default values.
  6. Click OK.