Hashin Damage

The Hashin damage model predicts anisotropic damage in elastic-brittle materials.

See Also
In Other Guides
About Damage and Failure for Fiber-Reinforced Composites

It is primarily intended for use with fiber-reinforced composite materials and takes into account four different failure modes: fiber tension, fiber compression, matrix tension, and matrix compression.

You can also click Damage Evolution in the tree to defines how the material degrades after one or more damage initiation criteria are met. These settings are described in Damage Evolution.

Note: If you specify Hashin damage initiation in your model, you must also request the following types of output in at least one of your field output requests or history output requests:
  • HSNFTCRT, Maximum value of the fiber tensile initiation criterion experienced during the analysis

  • HSNFCCRT, Maximum value of the fiber compressive initiation criterion experienced during the analysis

  • HSNMTCRT, Maximum value of the matrix tensile initiation criterion experienced during the analysis

  • HSNMCCRT, Maximum value of the matrix compressive initiation criterion experienced during the analysis