About Damage and Failure for Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit offer general capabilities for predicting the onset of damage and for modeling progressive
damage and failure in fiber-reinforced composites, which include unidirectional
fiber-reinforced composite materials and bidirectional fabric-reinforced composite materials.
These capabilities require you to specify:
Unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite materials exhibit elastic-brittle behavior;
damage in these materials is initiated without significant plastic deformation.
Consequently, plasticity is often neglected when modeling behavior of these materials. You
must specify material properties in a user-defined local coordinate system, with the local
1-direction aligned with the fiber direction, as shown in Figure 1. You can use any of the available methods to define orthotropic elastic
behavior to define the undamaged response.
Figure 1. Unidirectional lamina.
For bidirectional fabric-reinforced composite materials, the shear response is dominated by
the nonlinear behavior of the matrix, which includes both plasticity and stiffness
degradation due to matrix microcracking. The fiber directions are assumed to be orthogonal.
You must specify material properties in a user-defined local coordinate system, with the
local 1-direction and 2-direction aligned with the fiber directions, as shown in Figure 2. The material response along the fiber directions is characterized with
damaged elasticity. The model incorporates different initial (undamaged) stiffness in
tension and compression and differentiates between tensile and compressive fiber failure
modes. Therefore, you must use bilamina elasticity to define the undamaged response (see
Defining Orthotropic Elasticity in Plane Stress with Different Moduli in Tension and Compression).
Figure 2. Bidirectional fabric.
Damage Initiation Criteria
Abaqus offers the following damage initiation criteria for unidirectional fiber-reinforced
These models include initiation criteria for various failure mechanisms commonly observed
in fiber-reinforced composites, such as fiber fracture in tension, fiber buckling/kinking
under compression, and matrix cracking/crushing under tension/compression. These criteria
are discussed in Damage Initiation for Fiber-Reinforced Composites.
Once a particular damage initiation criterion is satisfied, the material stiffness is
degraded according to the specified damage evolution law for that criterion. In the absence
of a damage evolution law, the material stiffness is not degraded.
Damage Evolution
The damage evolution law describes the rate of degradation of the material stiffness once
the corresponding initiation criterion is reached. At any given time during the analysis,
the stress tensor in the material is given by:
where is the damaged elasticity matrix. Abaqus assumes that the degradation of the stiffness of the fiber and matrix components can be
expressed in terms of three scalar damage variables that reflect the current states of
fiber, matrix, and shear damages, respectively. The evolution of the elasticity matrix due
to damage is discussed in more detail in Damage Evolution and Element Removal for Fiber-Reinforced Composites; that section also discusses:
The Hashin damage model and ply fabric damage model must be used with elements with a plane
stress formulation, which include plane stress, shell, continuum shell, and membrane
elements. The LaRC05 damage model is available with three-dimensional solid, plane stress,
shell, solid shell, and membrane elements.
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