Introduction to the Two-layer Viscoplasticity Model
The two-layer viscoplastic model:
is intended for modeling materials in which significant
time-dependent behavior as well as plasticity is observed, which for metals
typically occurs at elevated temperatures;
consists of an elastic-plastic network that is in parallel with an
elastic-viscous network (in contrast to the coupled creep and plasticity
capabilities in which the plastic and the viscous networks are in series);
is based on a von Mises or Hill yield condition in the elastic-plastic network and any of
the available creep models in Abaqus/Standard (except the hyperbolic creep
law) in the elastic-viscous network;
assumes a deviatoric inelastic response (hence, the
pressure-dependent plasticity or creep models cannot be used to define the
behavior of the two networks);
is intended for modeling material response under fluctuating loads
over a wide range of temperatures; and
has been shown to provide good results for thermomechanical
Material Behavior
The material behavior is broken down into three parts: elastic,
plastic, and viscous.
Figure 1 shows a one-dimensional
idealization of this material model, with the elastic-plastic and the
elastic-viscous networks in parallel. The following subsections describe the
elastic and the inelastic (plastic and viscous) behavior in detail.
One-dimensional idealization of the two-layer viscoplasticity
Elastic Behavior
The elastic part of the response for both networks is specified
using a linear isotropic elasticity definition. Any one of the available
elasticity models in Abaqus/Standard can be used to define the elastic behavior
of the networks. Referring to the one-dimensional idealization ( Figure 1), the ratio of the elastic modulus
of the elastic-viscous network ()
to the total (instantaneous) modulus ()
is given by
The user-specified ratio , given as part of the viscous behavior definition as discussed
later, apportions the total moduli specified for the elastic behavior among the
elastic-viscous and the elastic-plastic networks. As a result, if isotropic
elastic properties are defined, the Poisson's ratios are the same in both
networks. Otherwise, if anisotropic elasticity is defined, the same type of
anisotropy holds for both networks. The properties specified for the elastic
behavior are assumed to be the instantaneous properties ().
Plastic Behavior
A plasticity definition can be used to provide the static hardening
data for the material model. All available metal plasticity models, including
Hill's plasticity model to define anisotropic yield, can be used.
The elastic-plastic network does not take into account
rate-dependent yield. Hence, any specification of strain rate dependence for
the plasticity model is not allowed.
Viscous Behavior
You can define the viscous behavior of the material using the Anand, Darveaux, Double-Power,
Power Law, or Time Power Law creep laws or by inputting the description with
user subroutine CREEP. For more information
about the creep laws, see Creep Models. When you define the viscous behavior, you specify the
viscosity parameters and choose the specific type of viscous behavior.
If you choose to input the creep law through user subroutine CREEP, you should define
deviatoric creep only; more specifically, you should not define volumetric
swelling behavior through this user subroutine. In addition, you also specify
the fraction, , that defines the ratio of the elastic modulus of the
elastic-viscous network to the total (instantaneous) modulus. You can specify
viscous stress ratios under the viscous behavior definition to define
anisotropic viscosity.