Viewing an Impact Graph for a Simulation Process or a Simulation Activity

You can view the relationship of the inputs to and outputs from simulation processes and simulation activities and view the impact of changes in an impact graph.

The simulation process or simulation activity that you select is called the root. The impact graph displays all of the inputs and outputs relative to this root.

See Also
About Impact Graphs
  1. Right-click the simulation process or a simulation activity, and select Impact Graph from the menu that appears.
  2. Click the and symbols to expand or contract the next level of entities.
  3. Select Check Input Relationships to determine if an object created outside Process Composer for Dashboard, such as a part or a material, that provides input to a simulation activity has been modified.
  4. Select Exclude Categories/Folders to remove categories and folders from the impact graph.
    To simplify the display, categories and folders are removed from the impact graph. Documents inside the categories and folders appear as input to your simulation processes and simulation activities.
  5. Click the symbol inside a colored box to bring an entity up to date.
    If the entity is a simulation activity, you must run the activity to bring it up to date. If the entity is a data category, simulation folder, or document, Process Composer for Dashboard marks it as up to date. In addition, if the entity is a data category or simulation folder, Process Composer for Dashboard marks everything it contains as up to date.